- MIA is part of the MCS, and the MDS cluster in the DAMUT department.
The MIA research team focuses on areas of dynamical systems, numerical analysis, and scientific computing, and, in particular, their relation to data science. The availability of extensive data sets offers new possibilities and challenges for research within MIA.
Data-driven science allows the discovery of hidden parameters or functions in dynamical systems from observed data by solving (ill-posed) inverse problems. Next, tools from uncertainty quantification, image analysis, optimal transport and dynamical systems yield further insight.
We aim to combine data-driven science with our intense research in dynamical systems, scientific computing, and mathematical systems theory. This approach offers new opportunities to obtain more accurate data-driven models in, for instance, neuroscience, but also presents important mathematical challenges, such as understanding the mathematical properties of these new models and techniques and deriving and analysing accurate and efficient numerical discretisations for these novel approaches.
- Artificial intelligence for medical imaging (Jelmer Wolterink, Christoph Brune)
- Computational neuroscience and dynamical systems (Hil Meijer)
- Scientific machine learning with uncertainty quantification (Christoph Brune)
- Variational and geometric methods in inverse problems and machine learning (Marcello Carioni, Josè Iglesias, Christoph Brune)
Here you can find the output generated by the group members of MIA
MIA is contributing to NDNS+, one of the four mathematics clusters in the Netherlands. Annually, we organize the NDNS+ workshop in Twente. We are active partners of 4TU.AMI, the Applied Mathematics Institute of the three Universities of Technology and the University of Wageningen, and PWN, the Netherlands Mathematics Platform.
MIA participates in the Twente Graduate School (TGS).
Our teaching program prepares students for working in academia and in industry, strengthened by our unique emphasis on close multidisciplinary collaboration.
For more information about
- ongoing and finished research projects within MIA
- PhD thesis of MIA sorted by year
- ongoing and vacant MSc Final projects
In the MIA group we are part of several scientific meetings:
- MIA PhD colloquium
SACS Seminar on Thursdays from 16.00 -17.00 hours
- MDS (Mathematics of Data Science) seminar