UTFaculteitenEEMCSDisciplines & departementenDMBNews & EventsHaoyu Guo, succesfully defended his Master thesis. Contruction of Predictive Model to Provide Personalized Advice on Reducing CRF on the POLARIS Dataset.

Haoyu Guo, succesfully defended his Master thesis. Contruction of Predictive Model to Provide Personalized Advice on Reducing CRF on the POLARIS Dataset. Contruction of Predictive Model to Provide Personalized Advice on Reducing CRF on the POLARIS Dataset.

Guo, Haoyu (2024) Construction of Predictive Model to Provide Personalized Advice on Reducing CRF on the POLARIS Dataset. University of Twente, Enschede. 

More information: Thesis