Reflect and Reframe

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

The desired future roadmap

  • What: A Reflect and Reframe exercise, to bring lessons back to the present
  • Goal: To engage in what you can do NOW to achieve that desirable future
  • When: After Articulate your desirable future
  • Duration: 1 hour


Once you have identified your desirable future, what should you do in the now to achieve that future? This activity engages you with backcasting exercises to get started on what you can do NOW.

How it works

  1. After articulating your preferable future, discuss the present, when you think about this future:
    - What is your organisation doing at the moment to achieve this future?
    - What are you doing to achieve it?
  2. Plot (Backcasting exercise): Use the quadrant to explore the following:
    - What are the things that your organisation should start doing, stop doing, change, or continue doing to achieve that future?
    - What are the things that YOU should start doing, stop doing, change, or continue doing to achieve that future?
  3. Guiding principles: Synthesise the elements that you plotted and turn them into 5 guiding principles.


A set of guiding principles that can inform your current practices to achieve your preferable future. It might sound abstract but these guiding principles can really help you to get started!


Next step(s)

Define activities


Other methods and tools to 'Reflect and Reframe':