| Cancer-ID (STW PERSPECTIEF PROGRAM) New Technology for monitoring Cancer therapy through extracellular vesicle Identity. Click here for Perspectief flyer NL / EN | 

| CTCTrap (FP7 Health Program) Circulating Tumor Cells TheRapeutic APheresis: a novel biotechnology enabling personalized therapy for all cancer patients. (poster) | 

| CANCER-ID (EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicine Initiative) Cancer treatment and monitoring through identification of circulating tumour cells and tumour related nucleic acids in blood. | 

| CellSpread (STW Open Technology Program) Expression of multiple cell surface, intracellular antigens and measure secreted products from individual circulating tumor cells (CTC) label free by Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) | 

| Instant-Count (ERC Grant) Affordable diagnostics for resource poor countries. | 

| CTC Detection and characterization (Janssen) Research program geared towards detection and characterization of CTC using the CellSearch system. | 

| Microscopy Valley (STW Perspectief Program) MCBP efforts are to integrate and develop a compact Raman microscope with a Focused Ion Beam – Scanning Electron Beam system. Applications for correlative analysis can be found in the materials and biological sciences, the analysis of plasmonics and multimodal labels will be of immediate general interest. | 

| Nanofluidics for lab-on-a-chip (Nanonext) MCBP efforts is the development of microfluidic devices for the interrogation of single cancer cells. | 
| Spectroscopic Analysis of Particles in Water (FOM/Wetsus) Detection and analysis of mineralization processes from bulk water to surfaces. | 

| OnQview Develop anti-cancer drugs primarily based on non-radioactive molecular imaging. | 

| McSPRinter Screening and production of proteins, antibodies, fragments, genetically engineered recombinant proteins, etc. | 