Risk & Resilience Festival

Join the risk community - RISK & RESILIENCE FESTIVAL 

On 10 November 2022, the Risk & Resilience Festival; safety doesn't happen by accident, will be organised on the campus of the University of Twente. A festival where the theme of safety is central. The festival serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and expertise. The mutual interaction between speakers and participants makes the festival so successful. The festival is organised together with PRIMO and the Society for Risk Management.


The BMS lab will show the possibilities of Virtual Reality. VR is an online environment in which a realistic situation is imitated. This offers opportunities for both entertainment and research. The BMS lab supports researchers in their studies in which Virtual Reality plays a role.

Ransomware. You hear it everywhere, but how exactly does it work? During the festival it is possible to experience a ransomware attack yourself at the ESET booth. Through set-up systems you crawl into the eyes of an attacker and encrypt a victim's system. Usually and also now this starts with a phishing email. Are you there?

In addition, various information stands will be set up and there will be poster presentations by the Master Risk Management students. By means of posters, they give a short explanation of their thesis and the issue they have dealt with.

Global to local

Safety plays a role on different levels. From global climate challenges to global safety, to national safety, to organisational safety, to local safety tasks to everyone's personal safety. These themes and their mutual interaction will be discussed during the festival. After all, problems that occur on one level often have an effect on other levels.

Keynotes 2022
Dave Maasland - Cybersecurity expert

Dave Maasland speaks from his field of cybersecurity about the risks, but especially the opportunities that the digital world offers. With his passion for IT and technology he wants to enthuse people and take away fear due to ignorance. He can regularly be seen on Dutch TV at RTL Z, Vandaag Inside and HLF 8, among others.

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Martin van Staveren

Martin van Staveren PhD MBA MSc Eng is a lecturer, consultant and writer about dealing differently with risk and opportunity in organisations. He is, amongst others, core lecturer in risk management at the University of Twente. He is also author of three bestselling books about risk management and risk leadership.

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  • Regular ticket

    €120 (normal ticket price after 1 September).

  • UT-student and employee ticket

    Students and employees of the University of Twente, a ticket costs €25.

  • Student ticket high schools and other universities

    Student ticket: €25. Request your discount code here!

  • What happens to your ticket if the festival is cancelled?

    If the Risk & Resilience Festival does not take place (due to COVID-19), the ticket will be carried forward to 2023. No online alternative is offered.


Risk & Resilience in short

  • Theme

    To be announced

  • When

    Thursday 10 November 2022

  • Where

    Campus of the University of Twente, building The Waaier

  • Purpose

    To bring together research results, research methods, expertise, ideas on and experience with managing big data – and to determine together what the impact is on our field of study: managing risk and resilience. How do we use the data responsibly and purposefully? And how do we deal with all ethical and moral issues, what about privacy and security?

  • Organisation

    Genootschap voor Risicomanagement, PRIMO and the University of Twente

  • Terms and Conditions

    Click here for the terms and conditions (dutch).