The process of realising the Shaping2030 strategy document started in January 2019 with a series of inspirational sessions. These were attend by a total of nearly 650 UT staff members and students.
See below the compilation video which gives a good impression of the various sessions.
Furthermore, some round table sessions were organised to gather in depth information on specific challenges and focus areas. The Board spoke with several external parties, including secondary school scholars. Through various forums, strategy meetings, advisory panels and think tanks the Board collected ideas for the future of our university. All of the input led to a first draft of the new mission and vision of the UT in May.
Before the summer of 2019, four strategy working groups started to develop a strategy for the coming three years that will help us realise our vision, focusing on four areas: Open, Sustainable, Personalized and Way of Working.
At the end of September, a writing team led by Mark van Vuuren, prepared a draft mission, vision and strategy, as a record of all plans submitted by the working groups. That was a complex puzzle to complete. Various colleagues have read along to further improve the document to the current version.
On Wednesday 18 December 2019, the University Council of the University of Twente approved the new mission, vision and strategy of the University of Twente, as expressed in Shaping2030.