Teaching online? There's many options to choose! To help you out, we handpicked this section just for you.
How will you instruct online? You can choose to pre-record (micro)lectures or present a live session. Need help choosing? Check this flowchart!
How will you facilitate interaction with your students? And how will they be assessed? More on that, here!
Good to know!
We've compiled some experiences on online education here.
Where to look for information?
For teachers in nowadays remote education situation, a lot of supportive websites are available. But where to look for what kind of information? In order to keep up to date with the latest information, the following sites are also relevant:
- UT site: Corona FAQ Corona news for staff and students categorized in frequently asked questions.
- SACC – Wellbeing Website for students to cope with the Corona crisis situation. For instance with tips to stay focused on their study activities.
- Examination Boards site – Corona information. Website for Examination Board (EB) members to stay informed about relevant matters and regulations (UT and national) for EB’s.
If you have any further questions on teaching online, please contact your faculty e-learning specialist or the TELT team.