The research in the group Thermal Engineering primarily concerns thermal conversion processes for industrial applications from the disciplines thermodynamics, transport phenomena, thermo-chemistry and fluid mechanics. In general, the research activities of the TE group can be divided into main research subjects which can be found on this page. Click on one of the research subjects below for more information about the research subject, such as the current research (PhD) projects and participating people. For a direct overview of all the research projects, the TE group is involved in go to the projects page.
- Thermal Conversion and Storage
Our research activities are focused on three pillars:
1. Developments necessary to improve performance of storage materials.
2. Development of systems for both domestic and industrial applications that incorporate new technologies.
3. Developments - Thermal Conversion Processes
Our research on thermal conversion processes is focused on the conversion of biomass into high-value fuels and on the valorization of waste streams into both fuels and raw materials. - Combustion Dynamics
This research subject is related to questions on ignition, extinction, flame stability, pollutant formation, combustion noise and its interaction with the combustion chamber structure. - Energy-Efficient Processes
Intensification of thermal processes via development of energy efficient novel power systems, engines, reactors and processes are subjects of this research line. The main focus is placed on multicomponent and multiphase flows, liquid atomization, droplets evaporation and drying, combustion, supercritical fluids, heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Renewable processes and transition to the future technologies are of prime interest. - Advanced Materials for Energy Applications and Thermal Management
Our research goals focus on: (i) fabrication of advanced materials to enhance energy conversion efficiency in solid-state devices; (ii) developing novel thermal devices at the micro- and nano-scale for thermal management applications; (iii) developing better metrology techniques for accurate and high spatial resolution characterization of thermal and thermoelectric properties of materials and interfaces; (iv) integrating these materials into systems that generate residual heat to harvest or reuse that energy. Our work includes nano- and micro-fabrication, characterization and multiscale simulations. On-campus collaborations include Material Science, Physics, Chemical, Mechanical, Fluid and Thermal Engineering. - Solar Energy
In our research, we are aiming for harnessing solar energy in form of heat (solar thermal), heat electricity (PVT) and fuel (solar fuel). - Energy System integration
In the research theme Energy System Integration we explore and analyze ways to integrate renewable energy in our present energy infrastructure. - Sustainable Energy Transition and Hydrogen
Our research focuses on advancing the sustainable energy transition by investigating the optimum role of hydrogen in decarbonized energy systems. We develop hydrogen-based energy solutions, renewable energy integration strategies, and advanced energy