FocUs areas
The Chair of Laser Processing studies the fundamental physical phenomena occurring during laser-material interaction, in order to optimize laser-material processing for laser-based manufacturing. Focus areas include material processing ultra short pulsed laser sources for micro- and nano-machining, and high power lasers for lasercladding. Based on the knowledge gained, means and methods for monitoring/sensing and control of laser-material processing systems, are developed. Our research provides key enabling enabling technology for numerous new applications and innovative laser-based manufacturing.
Running projects
Project we are currently executing (or are involved in), include, but are not limited to:
- Groeifonds PhotonDelta
- Groeifonds NextGen HighTech Equipment
- SIMPPER_MedDev: Surface Integrity for Micro/Nano Processing of Polymers: A European Research Training Network for High-Performance Medical Devices
- Aim2XL: Additive Manufacturing for Extra Large Metal Components
- LiTeX: Modelling and Processing for Laser Implantation Surface Texturing
- Physics for Future (P4F), Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral fellowship training action
Completed projects
Completed projects include, but are not limited to:
- SailPro: Safe and Amplified Industrial Laser Processing, funded by EU INTERREG
- Hi-LIFT: High-resolution deposition of high viscosity materials using Laser Induced Forward Transfer, funded by NWO
- Laser4Fun: European ESRs Network On Short Pulsed Laser Micro/Nanostructuring Of Surfaces, funded by EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie program
- Laser4Rolls: Development of thick coatings on rods by laser cladding, funded by EU RFCS
- Decorate: Fundamentals of high-throughput laser micro-texturing, funded by industry
- 3DLIFT: Additive Manufacturing of 3D multi-material products using Laser-induced Forward Transfer, funded by the University of Twente
- (Large Scale) Advanced Additive Manufacturing
- CleanSky: Smart Fixed Wing
- Ontwikkeling duurzame sublimatie productieketen
- FAB2SM: Efficient and Precise 3D Integration of Heterogeneous Microsystems from Fabrication to Assembly
- NanoClean: Optimisation and upscaling of selfcleaning surfaces for automotive sector by combining tailored machined injection tools and functional thermoplastic nanocompounds
- ALISS: Advanced Laser Induced Subsurface Separation
- TULP: Texturing Using Ultra-short Laser pulses
- ADEM: Laser material interaction of Photovoltaic materials
- UV-RGB: Integrated UV-RGB laser beam combiner