Salt marsh vegetation reduces wave impact on sea dikes by 5 per centIn the spring of 2024, Researchers from the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Twente investigated how salt marsh vegetation affects wave impacts on a Wadden Sea dike in the Delta Flume of Deltares. The tests showed that the wave height decreased by 5 per cent during the peak of a storm. These results will result in considerable cost savings on future reinforcements of sea dikes with salt marshes.Read more
Water network thesis awards 2024 to UTAt the end of last year, the KNW determined the Bachelor's and Master's Thesis Awards 2024. KNW is the independent knowledge(s) network in the water sector. They offer water professionals, companies and organisations a unique platform, with plenty of opportunities for knowledge sharing, inspiration and meeting. The nominees were students from the University of Twente, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. The students presented their thesis with a poster, after which the jury announced the winners. The award ceremony was held during the KNW Autumn Congress: Sustainable Doing!Read more
Salt marsh vegetation reduces wave impact on sea dikes by 5 per cent
Water network thesis awards 2024 to UT
Cum laude PhD defense Georgios Kapousizis
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Cuperus price awarded to Stella van Lent
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van operationeel naar strategisch duurzaam wegbeheer
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