Bert-Jan van Beijnum: Patient Support and Self-Management Technologies
- Interaction
- BRAVEHEALTH: Patient Centric Approach for an Integrated, Adaptive, Context Aware Remote Diagnosis and Management of Cardiovascular Diseases
- FUSION – Instant Analysis of Human Movement
- U-Care: User-Tailored Care Services Platform
- Bert-Jan van Beijnum: Patient Support and Self-Management Technologies
Jan R. Buitenweg: Nociceptive and Somatosensory Processing
Joost le Feber
Ciska Heida: Central Motor Control
- Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease - Towards an intelligent form of neural modulation
- NeuroSIPE: The movement diagnostic system
- BrainGain: Modulation of abnormal brain activity by neurostimulation
- BrainGain: Targeting the brain with DBS in Parkinson’s disease
- Ciska Heida: Central Motor Control
Hermie Hermens: Remote Monitoring and Treatment
Val Jones: Body Area Networks and Clinical Decision Support for m-health
Wim L.C. Rutten: Neurotechnology and Cellular Engineering
Peter H. Veltink: Sensing and Control of Human Movement
- Peter H. Veltink: Sensing and Control of Human Movement
- Interaction
- POWERSENSOR: Ambulatory assessment of daily life interactions between the human body and environment.
- REFLEX LEG: Control of leg prostheses through bidirectional information exchange with the body
- Myopro: development of an innovative myoelectric forearm prosthesis
- Cardiac control by sensing and stimulating the vagus nerve
Miriam Vollenbroek: Remote Monitoring and Treatment
- PERSSILAA: PERsonalised ICT Supported Service for Independent Living and Active Ageing
- ACARE2MOVE: Towards cancer rehabilitation at home: telerehabilitation
- AWARENESS: Context AWARE mobile NEtworks and ServiceS
- MYOTEL: Myofeedback based Teletreatment service
- Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten: Remote Monitoring and Treatment