Full name: prof. dr. W.L.C. Rutten
E-mail: w.l.c.rutten@utwente.nl
Function: Professor of neurotechnology
Prof. dr. Wim L.C. Rutten (1950), professor of Neurotechnology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Mathematics/Computer Science and the Institute for BioMedical Technology and Technical Medicine(MIRA) of the University of Twente (Netherlands), was trained as an experimental physicist at Leiden University, Netherlands, where he also graduated as PhD in 1979, in solid state physics. He worked as a physicist-audiologist at Leiden University Hospital in hearing science and electrophysiology until 1985, before joining the Biomedical Engineering group at the University of Twente that same year. He published over 150 journal and conference papers on magnetism/solid state physics, hearing science/audiology, volume conduction in muscle and nerve, neuro-electronic interfaces and neural/cellular engineering. He is the leader of the Neural and Cellular Engineering program of BMTI/Electrical Engineering, with present emphasis on the development of a cultured probe and the understanding of the brain via research on live learning neural networks. He received the first Pioneer-UT personal research grant in 1995 (1 Mf) and was one of the founding fathers of the new Biomedical Engineering study at UT (started in 2001). He teaches across all levels on Signal Analysis, Bioelectricity and Neurotechnology, for Electrical and Biomedical Engineering students. He served in the organization of many Biomedical and Neuro Engineering conferences, in IEEE-BME society committees, the European School for Neuroengineering, among others.
Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=search&db=pubmed&term=rutten%20wl