How do you rate Student Services?

Thank you for your interest in participating in this survey. As Student Services, we are curious to know what you think of us. Even if you have never heard of us before, we still want to ask you some questions!

Came here to participate in the prize draw? Great! At the end of the survey you will receive your code to enter!

How long will it take me to fill in this survey?
This survey consists of three parts: the general part that is required (about 5 minutes), an optional part with open questions where you can elaborate on your experiences (optional about 5 minutes), and several optional parts on specific subjects, such as visa, housing and registration (optional about 2 minutes each). You can thus tailor how much time you wish to spend on this survey and into what detail you wish to share your experiences. 

To what group do you belong?

To serve you with relevant questions, we want to know some details about you.

Student Services

Student Services is located in the Contact Centre in building Boerderij. You can reach out to us with any question you may have. Apart from our service desk, we have many departments that help to get you enrolled at UT. Many of the emails you have received before the start of the academic year are also sent by us. But we don't blame you if you have not heard of us before this explanatory text, we would still very much like to hear your opinion!

On a scale of 1 to 7

Please indicate how much you agree to the statements below. Please use the following grading system:

1 - I very much disagree to the statement.
4 - I am neutral towards the statement.
7 - I very much agree to the statement.

Room for elaboration

If you wish to provide us any detailed feedback, now is your chance.

Within the Contact Centre several support services are performed. In this section, you may provide additional feedback on these services.

Admission and Registration


You indicated that you are a (Dutch) EEA student. That means you could study at UT without requiring a visa. 


You indicated that you are a non-EEA student. This means that you should have received a housing offer in your first year of studies. 

You indicated that you are a (Dutch) EEA student. This means that you had to look for a place to live.

Graduation and diploma

You indicated that you have not yet started a graduation cycle at UT. That means you have not yet received (enough) information to answer the questions within this category. 

UT Website

Please visit the website of Student Services before answering these questions.

Being an international student at UT

You indicated that you are a Dutch student. This part of the questionnaire is meant for our international students. 

Study choice

The Study Information Centre at UT answers all your questions about study choice and becoming a student of UT. You may have seen them at a study information session at your high school, or you may have had contact with them through telephone or chat.

Approachability of UT services

Several UT services, such as Career Centre and SACC, are exploring the possibility to host consultation hours in the Contact Centre.

You have reached the end of this survey, thank you for taking your time to share your thoughts!

If you wish to enter our prize draw to win a UT-shirt, then please fill in jour email address below. We will reach out to the winners late November.

By filling in your email address, your participation to this survey is strictly speaking not anonymous anymore. We process the results in such a way that your email address is not included in the combined results. The answers you provided will thus not affect your chances in this draw. For more information regarding the UT privacy policy and your rights, we refer to our website: Privacy and your rights UT.

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