UT translators

Does your text need translating? UT's translations partners will do the job

Translating is a skill, one that is provided by UT’s three translation partners Taalcentrum-VU, Translavic and Acolad.

Do you need to have a text translated? Our partners are ready to help you out! Academic, legal or technical texts, announcements, communiqués, reports, protocols and press releases: they can translate them all, to and from most languages.

You may think that translation machines can do the same thing, but that is not the case: a translator understands a text, knows how a native speaker says things, sees the context, is creative and understands which style suits a text – skills that a machine does not have.

All translation partners comply with the principles of quality and expertise set by UT. Of course, each partner has their own specialisms, approach and rates. Our advice is to send your translation assignments to all three parties in turn, so that you can experience which partner suits your wishes best.

You can find their contact information here at the Service Portal.Translating is a skill, one provided by UT’s translation partners

Do you need help with sending translation assignments to a translation partner? Feel free to contact UTLC at translations@utwente.nl and we will make sure that one of the translation partners takes care of your assignment.

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