ET - Mechanical Engineering

Regarding your background & the subjects of the courses you can choose
please read this text.

Regarding pre-requisites:
note that admittance to any module or course is always subject to fulfilment of the pre-requisites of that module or course, which can be found in the course catalogue. If the module information is not yet available for the upcoming academic year, please search under the previous academic year.

  • Bachelor level

    The general rule at the UT 
    Bachelor students must select entire BSc modules, including all courses from that module.
    Modules are well-balanced, structured sets of courses created around a theme and provide in 15 ECTS of courses. More information can be found at the main page.

    Rules for Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering is the only study program at the UT that allows Bachelor students to take separate courses from ME modules. See the options at the bottom of the page and pay special attention to the extra information.

    Below you can find the modules and courses open to Exchange students. 
    If a module or course is not mentioned below, you cannot choose it, even when visible in the course catalogue.  

    Additionally, in case you are nominated to a study program related to ET faculty:
    - you are allowed to also take modules from other study programs within the ET faculty
    - you are allowed to take one module from another faculty, if desired. 
    Please be aware that selecting courses from different modules can be challenging, and it may be nearly impossible to choose courses from other study programs, as they do not follow the same rules. Therefore, if you wish to select courses from different modules, you can only choose from the ME study program.


    Block 1A -  MODULES - 15 ECTS

    Block 1B -  MODULES - 15 ECTS

    202000126 Dynamic systems - (MOD05)

    One of the many HTHT-minors*, such as: 
    202100021 Aerospace Management & Operations (BMS faculty) 
    202000852 Biorobotics (S&T faculty)

    One of the many HTHT-minors*, such as: 
    202000158  Aircraft Engineering

    Minor*: 202400349 Experimental Mechanics
    Minor*: Fundamentals of Humanitarian Engineering

    Minor*: 202400359 AI in Engineering

    Maintenance Engineering and Operations - 1 (see under 'Master level'; 15 ECTS credits)

    Maintenance Engineering and Operations - 2 (see under 'Master level'; 15 ECTS credits)


    Block 2A - MODULES - 15 ECTS

    Block 2B -  MODULES - 15 ECTS

    202000137 Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer - (MOD07) 

    202000121 Design and Mechanics - (MOD04)

    202000147 Production Systems Engineering - (MOD11)
    Only in combination with MOD12 "Research assignment" block 2B

    202200302 Research assignment for exchange students - (MOD12)
    Only in combination with complete MOD11 

    Maintenance and Asset Management - 1 (see below under 'Master level'; 15 ECTS credits)

    Maintenance and Asset Management - 2 (see below under 'Master level'; 15 ECTS credits)

    *limited spots - first come, first serve


    Find the list of courses you can follow without taking the entire module below.
    One course can differ from the other in regards of the amount of ECTS. It might therefore be hard choosing separate courses with a total of 15 ECTS per block, instead of choosing pre set-up modules. It might be even harder (if not impossible) to choose courses from both ME study field and other study field, as within other study fields you have to choose entire modules.  

    If you wish to take separate courses from different ME modules there might be colission in time schedule for lectures or exams. We will not provide in any solutions when this happens. That is the risk of taking courses from different modules in one block, therefore we do not advise to do so. If you truly wish to do so, check the list below: 

    List of courses you can take separately
  • Master level

    The MSc programme in Mechanical Engineering offers several specialisations within its curriculum. You can explore them here, under the link 'course overview [academic year]'.

    Please note that the curriculum shown is for the current year, and course offerings may change in the upcoming semester. As long as the current year's curriculum is displayed, we cannot guarantee the availability of specific courses for next academic year.

    Be aware that the schedules within each specialisation are coordinated. We cannot ensure schedule compatibility if you choose courses from different specialisations.

    Additionally, if you plan to include courses from another faculty, please keep in mind the 60/40% rule.


    Please also pay attention to the faculty in which the course is given and keep in mind the 60/40% rule


    ESP: “Maintenance Engineering and Operations”

    Block 1A

    Block 1B

    201200146 Maintenance Engineering & Management   (5 ECTS credits)

    201400244 Cost Management and Engineering   (5 ECTS credits)

    201200145 Capita Selecta “Maintenance Engineering & Design-for-Maintenance”   (10 ECTS credits)

    201300038 Failure Mechanisms & Life Prediction   (5 ECTS credits)

    201700042 Safety by Design for Products, Equipment and Systems   (5 ECTS credits)

    ESP: "Personalised Health Technology 1"

    Block 1A (choose max. 3 courses)

    Block 1B

    191150700 Integrative design of biomedical products

    202000034 Frontiers to Personal Health Technology 

    201900074 Fundamentals of Numerical Methods

    201900037 Flexible Multibody Dynamics

    201500136 Fluid Mechanics II

    201700042 Safety by Design for Products, Equipment and Systems

    191211080 Systems Engineering


    ESP: “Maintenance and asset management”

    Block 2A

    Block 2B

    191852630 Reliability Engineering & Maintenance Management   (5 ECTS credits)

    201800034 Infrastructure and Asset Management   (5 ECTS credits)

    201500235 Design for Maintenance Operations   (5 ECTS credits)

    201200145 Capita Selecta “Maintenance Engineering & Design-for-Maintenance”   (10 ECTS credits)

    201300039 Structural Health & Condition Monitoring   (5 ECTS credits)

    ESP: "Personalised Health Technology 2"

    Block 2A

    Block 2B

    201800156 Biomechanics of human movement 

    191154731 Computational Fluid Dynamics

    202001436 Biofluid Dynamics: theory and analysis.

    201600327 Tissue Engineering 

    202001409 Development of Artificial Internal Organs

    1 course from a different ESP

After you have decided what you would like to do, please read more about "nomination-application-registration" via de button below:

The complete application procedure consists of seven steps:
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