Practical information

Find out which minor you can take

Shape your studies and choose a minor that suits your interests.

As a bachelor's student at the University of Twente (UT) can choose from a variety of topics to fill your minor space.

What is a minor?

A minor is a package of courses of (usually) 15 EC, which allows you to specialise or broaden your knowledge and competencies. Half a year of most study programmes is to be filled with two packages of 15 EC. In most studies, this is the first six months of the third year. Can you, for whatever reason, not take the minor in the usual term, there is an option of doing so in the second semester. However, the offer will be smaller than in the first semester. 

You can choose a minor within or outside your programme or faculty or even at another university or abroad.

How and when can I register for a minor?

The registration process will change. More information will follow soon.

Has your preferred minor already reached the maximum?

You can put yourself on a waiting list in Osiris. More information will follow.

  • When am I officially enrolled for a minor?

    Unless you receive a message stating that you do not meet the entry requirements, you are officially enrolled in your minor. 

    In the minor tool of options, you can see whichUT minors you can take after selecting your programme. If you do meet them, you will be enrolled administratively, and you will receive a confirmation email. However, this administrative registration does not guarantee your participation; the Educational Affairs Office still needs to confirm that you fulfil all entry requirements (usually a specific number of ECs from your study programme).

    You can find if your minor application has been approved or rejected in the Study Progress Review tab. This depends on the study programme for checking the admissibility. If you do not meet this requirement, your application will be cancelled. For more information/advice it is best to contact your study advisor. To verify if you meet the EC requirements, refer to the programme-specific section of your EER, ask your study advisor, or check the specific information on your programme’s website.

    For the minors of the first quartile (1A), you will be enrolled by approximately mid-August. For the second quartile (1B) this will be about two weeks before the minor starts. After the module is registered, you will be granted access to the Canvas course site. 

  • First semester registration period

    Registration for minors of the first semester (block 1A and 1B) of the academic year 2024-2025 was possible from 25 March 2024 (from 13.00h / 1 PM) till 31 May. Be on time, minors can fill up quickly! Please note that the minor Leren Lesgeven always closes earlier. Also for Crossing Borders, you need to submit your motivation letter to the minor team by an earlier deadline.

  • Exceptions for some minors

    You cannot register for the following minors in Osiris:

    • Crossing Borders - registration is via a special registration procedure
    • Going Dutch! - registration is via a special registration procedure
    • Student Teams minor - registration is via the minor team
    • Minor abroad – you will go through a procedure and eventually be registered via the programme for a so-called exchange minor.
    • Minor at another educational institution – if approved, your programme will make sure you will be registered for a so-called exchange minor.
    • Transfer minor – ask both your own and the offering programme for information about this.

    The minor 'Leren Lesgeven' has a participation restriction, in case of oversubscription, an intake procedure will take place. You can register for 30 EC of minors, so in principle for 2 minors of 15 EC. If you choose the 30 EC version of Leren Lesgeven, the 30 EC version of the Student Teams minor or the minor Intelligence, Creativity and Responsible Technological Innovation in Societal Transformations or Sport Science, you can only register for that one specific minor.

  • Taking a minor during the second semester

    UT also offers the chance to take minors during the second semester, should you not have been able to do so during the first semester. Please note that the offer in the second semester is much smaller than in the first semester. In the minor tool of options, you can see which minors you can take by selecting your study program, and make sure that you also meet possible prerequisites. You can find these in the minor description (click on the name of the minor in the tool of options).

    Registration period second semester

    You can apply for second-semester minors from 2 December 2024 (from 1 PM) to 15 January 2025. You need to register yourself via Osiris during the registration period for the minor(s) of your choice. Registration for the corresponding module will then be arranged for you. Not sure how to register for a minor? Then look here. Do you have questions? Email

    Make sure to register on time, there will be minors with a maximum number of participants. Full is full! If the minor of your preference is full, you can send an email to The minor organisation will add you to the waiting list.

    Always read the course information

    Click on the name of the minor in the tool of options. Pay special attention to possible additional requirements (assumed previous knowledge). Check also the language of the minor. In some cases there might by overlap in Mathematics. Check the tool of options and the course information. If this is the case, make sure everything is arranged in advance! Look here for more information.

  • Deregistering for a minor

    If you made a mistake when registering for a minor through Osiris, or wish to alter your choice during the registration period, please follow the subsequent procedure.

    • Log in at Osiris as you would for normal use
    • Go to Enrol > Show my enrolments
    • Click on Minors
    • Select the minor you want to de-register for and click on 'Disenrol'

    You have now been deregistered and will receive a confirmation e-mail. You can now enrol for a different minor. 

    If you want to deregister, but the registration period is ove, then send an e-mail to

Not a UT student?

Are you studying at another educational institution and would like to take a minor at UT? Take a look at the website Kies op Maat to see which minors can be followed by non-UT students. Through Kies op Maat you can also register by downloading a learning agreement.

Frequently asked questions

  • The minor I want to do has reached the maximum number of participants. What can I do?

    Has your preferred minor already reached the maximum? You can put yourself on a waiting list in Osiris, during the registration period. More information will follow.

  • When will I know my minor registration is approved?

    The registration process is about to change. We will update the information as soon as possible.

    It can take a while before your minors are assessed, the Educational Affairs Office can wait till the grades of the 4th quartile are processed. If you want to make sure beforehand that you can start your minor, check your Education and Examination Regulations (EER) or ask your study adviser.  

    Are you a TG or ATLAS student? Your minor will not be assessed in Osiris. As an ATLAS student, you should already have permission from your programme. TG students may take the minors that are open to them.

  • Do I need to register for the corresponding module code?

    No, just register for the minor(s) via Osiris during the registration period. The corresponding module codes will be registered automatically for you after the registration period.

    If your minor registration gets rejected and the module codes were already registered for you, they will be removed.

    An exception is the transfer minor. If you are planning on doing a transfer minor, register for the module codes yourself. If the transfer minor contains a minor module, please ask the contact person of the transfer minor how to register.

  • Can I do a minor at another Dutch university?

    Yes, this is possible. You will need permission from the other university and also from your examination board. You will need to write a proposal, which can be done in collaboration with your study adviser. Here's more information on this topic.

  • I changed my mind, how can I de-register?

    During the registration period it is possible to de-register yourself via Osiris. After the registration period you'll need to send an e-mail to

    It is very important that you de-register if your plans have changed. Several minors reach their maximum number of participants, so someone else would probably gladly take your place instead. Also, if you don't de-register, you won't be able to register for another minor. You can only have a maximum of 30 ECTS on minors in your minor space.

  • Why am I not able to register for my minor?

    Do you see a minor in our tool of options, but can't register for this minor in Osiris? This can have several reasons.

    1. You can only register for a total of 30 EC of minors, so if you're already registered for two minors of 15 EC, you won't be able to register for another minor. Leren Lesgeven has a minor of 30 EC, it's not possible to register for another minor once you're registered for a 30 EC version of Leren Lesgeven.

    If an old minor registration needs to be removed, please send an email to

    2. The minor might not be accessible for your study programme. 

    3. The minor might have reached its maximum number of participants. Please send an email to be put on the waiting list.

  • I finished my Kies op Maat transfer minor, where can I get my grade list?

    If you've completed your transfer minor you can send an email to You will receive your grade list by e-mail.

  • Can I follow a part of a minor?

    If you sign up for a minor, you will be registered for the complete minor. If you only want to do part of a minor (for instance as a replacement course for the Mathematics part that you already took) you will need to ask your study program for permission. But it is also important to ask permission from the offering study program. This is not the case if you do the standard replacement course, Introduction to Mathematical Analysis.

    Realize that it is not always allowed to join a part of a module. If you are not planning on doing the whole minor, don't register for the complete minor. 

  • Can I retake (a) part(s) from my minor?

    If you want to retake parts of your minor, it usually depends on the policy of the offering programme. It is wise to contact the coordinator of the responsible programme to find out what the options are and what the procedure is for resit parts. Often, there are specific rules and deadlines you need to adhere to. Good luck!


Cindy Vijsma directs the coordination of the UT minor organisation. Questions can be sent to Available on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday | Citadel room H417 (Present Tuesday and Thursday).

  • Minor committee

    The controlling body is the Minor Committee in cooperation with the UC-E. The Minor Committee reviews every new minor proposal to validate the alignment of the minor with the UT strategy and current offer. The Minor Committee consists of the following members:

    • Willemijn Eendebak (Centre for Educational Support)
    • Merijn Snel (Strategy and Policy)
  • Submitting new minors

    Use this template when submitting a new minor. The minor must be tied to a study programme and therefore attached to a programme director. Only complete applications will be processed, e-mail the request to this email address).

    When is an application complete?

    1. Complete the description of the minor using the template
    2. The request has been submitted by the programme director of the programme offering the minor


    • Second semester of the following academic year, deadline 1 July
    • First semester of the next academic year, deadline 1 November