UT offers a wide range of minors. The minor selection tool offers you help during the orientation process.
When using the tool and making your choice, keep the following in mind:
- Not all minors are open for your programme, select your programme (and desired block) to see which minors you may take.
- Read the course information carefully, additional requirements may apply
- Check that the minor is held in the language appropriate for you
- Make sure to look at the starting moment: minors of the first and second semesters are shown in the tool
- If you register for a minor, you will register for the full minor unless there is an overlap in Mathematics.
- All minors are 15 credits - except for Leren Lesgeven, ICR&TIST and Sport Science which can also be taken for 30 credits - even though sometimes you see 0 credits in the tool.
Minor tool of options
Select your programme to see which minors you can take. You sign up yourself, and registration for the corresponding module codes will follow automatically later. Should you need to deviate from this for certain reasons, please check the FAQ.
It is possible to export the list of minors to Excel. Click here to view the tool in fullscreen.
Regular UT Minors
Most of the UT minors are part of an educational programme. This means you are joining a module of another study programme. In addition, UT offers specially developed minors which are mainly of a more in-depth nature. These deepening minors are mostly limited in accessibility. Not all study programmes can join these because of the knowledge you already need to have required.
The phase from which the module comes tells you whether you are participating in the regular education of a programme (M1, M2, M5 or M6) or whether it is a minor module (M9, M10).
The tool of options shows which minors you are allowed to take.
Click on the name of the minor in the tool of options. Please pay special attention to possible additional requirements (assumed previous knowledge). Check also the language of the minor.
High Tech, Human Touch (HTHT) minors
HTHT minors highlight societal issues for which UT is developing High Tech Human Touch solutions through state-of-the-art research.
The HTHT minors are offered in English and are therefore accessible to UT bachelor’s students as well as international exchange students. The tool of options shows, after choosing your regular programme, which of these HTHT minors and all the other minors UT offers, are accessible for you (applicable to current UT students only).
In most cases, HTHT minors are offered in a package of 30 EC (2*15 EC). Some 15 EC minors will be offered on their own. It is almost always possible to follow only one of the courses of a package as long as the remaining 15 EC are covered by an independent minor to come to a total of 30 EC. HTHT minors are only offered in the first semester.
Click on the name of the minor in the tool of options. Pay special attention to possible additional requirements (assumed previous knowledge). Check also the language of the minor.
Minor packages (2*15 EC)
- Aeronautical Engineering and Management
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor Aerospace Management & Operations
- HTHT-minor Aircraft Engineering
OrganizationWebsite of the package
Not available
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology (Aircraft Engineering)
Behavioral Management and Social Studies (Aerospace Man.)Minorteam
dr. D.R.J. Prak and dr.H. Ozdemir
Description of the advantage by taking both minors
The module “Aircraft Engineering” is all about technical aspects of aircraft, whereas the module “Aerospace Management & Operations” is about the aviation industry and its managerial challenges. For example, in “Aircraft Engineering” students learn the aerodynamic principles behind various aircraft properties, make calculations with these, and ultimately design their own aircraft. “Aerospace Management & Operations”, on the other hand, takes the aircraft as given and focuses on the interplay between the various actors in the aviation industry and how they can optimize their decisions. Particular attention is paid to airlines (business models, route structures, revenue management, etc.) and airports (governance, terminal design, passenger processes, etc.).
So, students that follow both modules gain knowledge and insight in both the inner workings of aircraft (Aircraft Engineering) and the working of the civil aviation industry (Aerospace Management & Operations).
Minor 1: Short description of content ‘Aerospace Management & Operations’
The aerospace industry bridges technology, economics, business, and the social sciences. In this module we first zoom out to get a complete overview of the aerospace industry as it is today, as well as its development in the past and future, in conjunction with technological advances of aircraft, macro-economic, and political developments. Then we zoom in on the particular decisions that airlines and airports face, such as route structures, business models, operations, costs and revenue management. Particular attention is drawn to the interplay between aircraft, airlines and airports, economic, social, and environmental impacts. The civil aerospace industry is the main focus, but military aerospace will also be briefly addressed, if only because civil and military aerospace are so intertwined.
We address questions like: which factors determine whether an aircraft is suited for the tasks demanded of it? What are the strategic choices airlines make that determine their success? Why are profit margins of airlines so razor-thin, despite air travel having been a growth market since World War 2? What role does maintenance play in the efficient utilization of aircraft? What is the optimal price to charge for a ticket? Why is an inherently dangerous activity like flying one of the safest forms of transport, with human factors being the main threat? Why do governments attach so much value to having an aerospace industry, despite the massive investments that it requires?
We do not confine ourselves merely to theory. Students will experience what it is like to manage their own (virtual) airline, and they will perform an in-depth analysis of an airport of their choice. The result is that the disciplines of technology, economics, management and the human-machine interface are merged in a natural way and students learn to use an interdisciplinary approach to problems and questions concerning the aerospace industry.
After completing this module, students know how the global aerospace industry developed to the state in which it is now, which problems individual airlines and airports face, and how the aerospace industry connects to the broader economy, society, and environment.
More information can be found in the brochure.
Minor 2: short description of content ‘Aircraft Engineering’
Within this module, the student gets acquainted with aspects that play a role in the design of an airplane. The focus is on the history and application of the high tech (mechanics, structures and aerodynamics) as well as the human touch aspects (decision making, business case).
The central theme in the module is the conceptual design of an aircraft. In this design all knowledge gained during the courses Aircraft Technology, Aircraft Structures and Aerodynamics is applied and integrated. The conceptual design will be done in groups of about 5 students. The design must be presented and defended for all other module students and the team of lecturers being the board of the company that delivered the assignment and (demanding) requirements for the design.
The module starts with a brief account of the history of aviation, the evolution of aircraft configurations, the principles of flight. Subsequently the aerodynamics of aircraft wings (lift, drag, pitching moment, stall, critical Mach number, drag-divergence Mach number) is explained, with some emphasis on transonic transport aircraft. Further attention is paid to the most important structural parts of an aircraft. Their designation and their function in the structure are presented. Special attention will be paid to the new composite materials that are more and more used in aircraft industry.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Geographic Information System and Earth Observation
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor Geographic Information System (GIS)
- HTHT-minor Earth Observation (EO)Organization
Website of the package
Not available
Responsible faculty
Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
Description of the advantage by taking both minors
Students who take both minors get the complete picture of acquiring, storing, analysing and visualizing geo-information. They can directly make the relation between how one can sense processes on earth and how that can be translated to information on a global, national or even individual level.
Essential difference between the minor GIS and the minor EO is that GIS is focusing on the storage, use and visualization of geo-information, whereas EO is focusing on how to acquire geo-information at various scales and for different purposes. In projects in the GIS minor students how to use existing data for a particular application. In EO the focus is on how to acquire and process data in order to fill the needs for local, regional or global issues.
Minor 1: Short description of content ‘Geographic Information System’
A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a collection of methods and tools associated with answering geographical questions. GIS is a generic term for the use of computers to study and visualize geographical patterns and processes (natural and manmade) that occur on the surface of the Earth. There are many uses for GIS in different scientific and operational domains. Common application areas are urban planning, public administration, environmental monitoring, utilities, telecommunications, transport, hazard analysis, topographic mapping, and the management of agriculture, forest and water resources. In the past few decades, GIS has developed into a major area of application and research and into an important global business. Today, GIS is an active and rapidly expanding field, which generates considerable public and private interest.
The leading theme of this module is: how can GIS be used efficiently for global and actual problems. It consist of three stages: the first efficiently supplies basic knowledge to the corresponding theme (4 EC), the second applies the knowledge in relevant domains (5 EC), and the third integrates the acquired knowledge in a project framework (6 EC).
Students will get lectures in combination with (un)supervised exercises. Lectures and exercises are designed such that the basics of storing, accessing and analysing geo information are covered. Students are encouraged to find creative solutions in the use, design and analysis of GIS functionalities. Treated are the concepts of multi-scale and geometric aspects of mapping in a GIS context, dissemination methods and environments, with emphasis on online and interactive methods.
The final part of this module consist of an inter- or multi-disciplinary project. Projects with an international flavour related to the various societal benefit areas (SBA’s) are proposed from which the students can choose. Focus is on how GIS can be used effectively by combining (geo-) information to provide possible solutions/plans and to allow an efficient communication with stakeholders
More information can be found in the brochure.
Minor 2: Short description of content ‘Earth Observation’
The minor on Earth Observation deals with sensors, platforms and data processing techniques that are used to derive information about physical, chemical and biological properties of the Earth’s surface without direct physical contact. Sensors can be mounted on Earth orbiting satellites, aircrafts, but can also be mounted on a car or even hand-held. Sensors measure electro-energetic emissions from objects and material on the earth’s surface. Data processing techniques subsequently transform raw data into meaningful information sources for a large variety of applications.
The leading theme of this module is: how are Earth Observation Data collected and how can they be optimally used. This module consist of three stages: the first efficiently supplies basic knowledge to the corresponding theme (4 EC), the second applies the knowledge in relevant domains (5 EC), and the third integrates the acquired knowledge in a project framework (6 EC).
The first phase handles the basics on Earth observation (EO) techniques, and gives an overview of several sensors capable of capturing characteristics of the earth. In the second phase of quartile 10 Earth Observation is used to let the student learn how raw data are processed into meaningful information by analysing and designing various applications, such as disaster mapping and monitoring, 3D city and landscape modelling and urbanization. In this phase students learn how to combine data, use multi-resolution data, assess aspects of spatial resolution, spectral information and thus make the most out of the available satellite information. We design an interesting schedule of lectures and exercises, starting from small scale in week 3, medium scale in week 4 and large scale applications in week 5. The final part of this module consist of an inter- or multi-disciplinary project. Students can choose from at least two options.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Business Development
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- HTHT-minor New Technology Business DevelopmentOrganization
Website of the package
Not available
Responsible faculty
Behavourial, Management and Social Sciences
Description of the advantage by taking both minors
The relation between modules 9 and 10 of this package is that the first prepares for independent venturing, based on commercialization of a product/service idea into a plan that assesses feasibility of the idea. The second takes this knowledge into an inquiry that aims at exploiting an invention by identifying conditions and potential adopters and users of the technology for the decision either or not to appropriate it by the UT for future technology transfer purposes. The commonality is inquiry into opportunities for business development as independent venturing in module 9 and for technology transfer purposes in module 10.
The second module is not only directed towards creating a new company (independent venturing), but also to business development from a research technology organisation (such as universities and public as well as private institutes) or from a medium-sized to large company. The modules together prepare for a larger application area of knowledge and skills to be taken from this undergraduate education program. get an impression of this modules by watching a short movie.
Minor 1: Short description of content 'Innovation & Entrepreneurship'
This module starts with an introductory Acceleration Program that sensitizes students to the dynamics of the entrepreneurial business model development for 4 days. This is a quick way of making students aware of the knowledge they lack and need to master for operating in and communicating about business. It also introduces in developing a technology-based start-up into a successful company. In a playful manner, participants interact in multidisciplinary teams in the Acceleration program, the project as well as case work during the module. The business planning project synthesizes knowledge to be gained from the courses described below and will be based on a product and/or service concept developed in (a) prior module(s) by someone within the venture team. A lot of fieldwork is involved using the lean start-up approach, continually testing assumptions, claims and data retrieved from secondary sources in desk research to minimize market risk and improve the concept for real-life adoption to prove a business case.
For the necessary analysis and business design work to be done, students need additional knowledge that is offered in three introductory courses on entrepreneurship, innovation and financial management.
In these courses, a decision-centred approach is taken in case teaching where - again - students work on real-life problem situations companies have dealt with in order to prepare for a properly analysed and argued decision to be made for the case proponent.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship is about different forms and categories of entrepreneurship, the differences and commonalities between the entrepreneurial and the innovation process, as well as the jargon and conceptual basics of business disciplines like strategy, finance, marketing, and personnel and organisation.
The subject of innovation management introduces students to the key concepts of an innovation management system and their interrelationships. The focus is on small and medium sized enterprises, and their challenges to create and maintain innovative competitive advantages. This helps students to think beyond the start-up phase of a new venture and to be aware of next-level challenges once the new venture takes off. It helps students understand the typical differences between larger and small organizations in their strategies and resource management for commercializing new product and service ideas.
Finally, to avoid the Valley of Death pitfall, students are introduced to the basic instruments of financial management of innovative enterprises. Focus is on understanding and composing a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement as part of acquiring and managing resources to invest in and develop the technologies required to realize and market their product/service idea.
More information can be found in the brochure.
Minor 2: Short description of 'New Technology Business Development'
Over the last two decades the amount of business that has been generated on intellectual property rights (IPRs) has increased dramatically, making them the fourth production factor in economies today. All technology-oriented curricula should transfer knowledge that explains for the proportionate increase of immaterial asset value in our corporate finance practices. The commercial effect of such corporate immaterialization is that markets for technology have grown to such an extent that they will become institutionalized in the near future and not only will large companies use them, but also technology research organizations an inventive SMEs as suppliers of new proprietary technologies.
This minor is the more advanced part of the minor that builds on the minor Innovation & Entrepreneurship in adding the subjects of intellectual property management (IPM), technology innovation management and marketing in a high-tech context (HTM). Specific for this more advanced marketing topic is the role of e.g. the new product development process and of patent licensing as a way of exploiting inventions and thereby gaining revenues without having to invest heavily in product development and manufacturing capabilities. This minor takes a business and society approach to the study of technology transfer and adoption. The two course subjects are complemented with a feasibility study of an emerging technology in which students investigate the social, market and business opportunities in terms of readiness and which route to the market is most desirable.
HTM deals with such topics as the role of technology standards, new technology acceptance and adoption, innovation in networks, social dynamics such as ethics involved in emergent technology and the new product development process managed by businesses as part of the open innovation context in which such issues need to be dealt with.
Both these subjects are conventionally organised into courses that stage wise provide students with theoretical concepts and analytical models to apply in data gathering and use for interpretation purposes in the project work.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Philosophy and Governance of Science and Technology
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor Philosophy of Science and Technology
- HTHT-minor Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical ChangeOrganization
Website of the package
Not available
Responsible faculty
Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
dr. S.O.M. de Boer and dr. K.E. Konrad
Description of the advantage by taking both minors
In this package consisting of two HTHT modules students will develop a basic understanding of how science and technology influence the human being and society, focusing on human behaviour, knowledge and values, and on evaluating and governing social change. They will do so using insights and perspectives from philosophy (this module), from science and technologies studies and governance studies (the ‘Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change’ module), and by applying those to projects in which students will work on concrete examples of technologies in collaboration with the UT science and technology institutes (both modules).
Short description of content Philosophy of Science and Technology
This minor analyses and evaluates the influence of science and technology on humans and society. Students will be introduced in the main approaches and theories in the history of philosophy, which will enable them to reflect more systematically and critically on science and technology and their social roles. But rather than merely studying the philosophical tradition in itself, or aiming to understand technology in general, the focus will be on acquiring skills in order to philosophically analyse specific technologies and technological practices. How will, for example, wearable technologies change and shape our social interactions? How will we be able to maintain traditional ideas about privacy in an age of exponential increase of information and communication technologies? And how will our society and culture incorporate and shape those technologies? Since these reciprocal influences are value-laden, the minor will investigate normative aspects of technologies: how have specific technologies affected our ethical and political views? The focus on practices will also shed a new light on the role of science: scientific knowledge will be approached as a tool for technological design. In a so-called Philosophy of Technology Lab students will work in teams on specific technologies on the basis of acquired perspectives and insights from philosophy.
The minor consists of 3 thematic components and a project. In the component ‘Philosophical Theories and Methods’ students are introduced to various approaches and methods within philosophy and lays a basis for the other components. The component ‘Cyborgs and other Human-technology Relations’ focuses on how technology influences and constitutes human nature and human existence and how emerging technologies seem to blur the boundaries between humans and machines. The component ‘Technology, Ethics and Society’ focuses on contemporary social and ethical problems and the role of technology in these problems. The component ‘Knowledge as epistemic tool’ aims at a better understanding of the role of scientific research in technological applications. In the Project ‘Philosophy of Technology Lab’ students analyse technologies developed by researchers at the University of Twente on the basis of insights they gain in philosophy of science, human-technology relations, and ethics. They will also investigate the impact of technologies on certain philosophical assumptions.
More information can be found in the brochure.Short description of content 'Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change'
In this module you will learn how society and technology influence each other, in particular how this plays out in innovation processes when new technologies are developed and embedded into society, and what are possibilities for purposefully shaping innovation processes.
We constantly witness how innovations affect various areas of society and social life, but identifying and working towards innovations which actually fulfil society’s needs and to embed them successfully into real world contexts is not an easy task. Given the central role that many technologies have for modern societies, be it in the form of enablers of key societal functions as energy, transport, public health etc., or as creating risks and unwanted effects, science and technology are also an important issue for governance, with policy and other societal actors trying to shape innovation and societal embedding. As part of this, prospecting possible technology dynamics and also their effects on society is a common activity for research, innovation and governance actors, but needs to be informed by a proper understanding of socio-technical dynamics.
Following this module will allow (technical) students to reflect and anticipate on the societal relevance of particular technologies and on the way the world ‘beyond the lab’ influences the work of researchers and designers. Students (from the social sciences) will enhance their understanding of technology and innovation as essential ingredients of modern social life, and the role policy and social science can play in the governance of science and technology in society.
The module consists of 3 thematic components and a project. The first component is dedicated to developing an understanding of the interrelations of innovation and social change and how these typically unfold. This includes the ‘journey’ a new technology may take from development to becoming embedded in user’s practices and getting to work in broader socio-technical environments, and the roles of different actor groups therein. For instance, new telecare or point-of-care devices have to find a place in patient’s daily life or medical routines, just as in the broader health system. Electric vehicles interact with user’s mobility patterns, and have to be integrated into the mobility and (smart) electricity system more widely. E-government may facilitate information flows, but also change roles and power relations of various actors. New sensors for measuring water quality have to fit with the way how quality monitoring is organized in water companies and fulfil regulatory requirements. Along such an ‘innovation journey’ more or less unexpected changes in user’s practices, broader systems and the innovations themselves may be the result. Both contemporary and historical examples will be used to explore this empirically.
The second component addresses how these insights can be used for anticipating on and partly assessing future developments of and around innovations, for instance in the form of scenarios, and how this can feed into innovation processes. Furthermore, you will learn about the (often) strategic role of expectations and promises in research and innovation, and their dynamics – e.g. hype-disappointment cycles, and what this means for innovation actors.
The third component delves into possibilities, approaches and limitations of governing innovation and socio-technical change, building on the insights of the former two components. Finally, we will inquire about the role of science, technology and scientific expertise in policy-making and governance more broadly.
In the project, groups of students work on a case of a particular technology or application, and apply insights from the thematic components, resulting in e.g. a strategy recommendation for an innovation actor, a policy recommendation, or a scenario development.
More information can be found in the brochure. - Science to Society
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor part 1: Science to Society: From Idea to Prototype.
- HTHT-minor part 2: Science to Society: From Prototype to Society.Organization
Website of the package
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology - Industrial Design
Minorteam coordinator
ir. K. Nizamis
Description of the advantage by taking both minors
Humanity is rushing towards a future, where technology will take over crucial parts of daily human living. This highlights the need for engineers and designers with a very broad skillset. Communicative skills can facilitate collaboration with the industry and various multi-disciplinary partners and users. Team player skills, are highly valued within a research & development team. Realizing the societal impact of technology and its future implications is also of great importance in any project. This two-part minor attempts to cultivate those increasingly important skills. It will achieve that by a combination of real-world problem solving, and a multidisciplinary team setting. The real-life problems will focus on societal challenges in diverse fields like energy, healthcare, learning and robotics. Creative design ideas and technological innovations in cooperation with different societal stakeholders are necessary to tackle these challenges. In the first module, you will work on generating novel ideas and design concepts, and transforming the initial concept into a prototype. Taking both modules means you will play an important role in the full realization of your concept and will thoroughly deepen your understanding on the topic and the state‐of‐the‐art in technological innovation. The stage for the Science 2 Society minor is the UT DesignLab, a creative ecosystem where faculty and students from all fields work together with companies and governments on the societal design challenges of our times, inspired by the newest scientific insights.
Minor 1: short description of content 'Science to Society: From Idea to Prototype'
In this module, you will research a problem of your choice, and together with a multi-disciplinary team you will design a solution. This solution will aim to push the current state-of-the-art further and it will address multiple factors such as technology, business, government, and society.
Private and public partners bring in the real-life cases you can choose from. In the past, solutions ranged from the design of a distributed system, technology for monitoring or coaching, serious gaming design, or healthcare support. To structure your iterative research and design process, you will learn and apply various project management and design tools, and work towards a prototype realization. You will be also introduced to the foundations of different scientific disciplines through peer-learning. A tutor will coach your group, both in managing your project and in acquiring any further knowledge and skills you will need for a successful design.
More information can be found in the brochure.
Module 2: Short description of content 'Science to Society: From Prototype to Society'
In this module you and your multi-disciplinary team, will work on realizing a concept by making use of a prototype that was made in the previous module (From Idea to Prototype). The chosen prototype can be the one your team developed previously, or can be a prototype developed by another team. In the process of this module, the prototype will be enriched with a business model addressing its feasibility. There will be close interaction with problem owners from the world of business, government or science. Additionally you will have the opportunity to choose and follow a number of short mini-courses to enhance your research skills and your understanding in the field of the chosen project case, as well as develop the skill set necessary to design solutions. A tutor will coach your group, both in managing your project and in acquiring any further knowledge and skills you will need for a successful design.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Innovations in Sustainable Chain Management
This HTHT package consists of
- HTHT-minor Innovations in Sustainable Chain Management; Analysis
- HTHT-minor Innovations in Sustainable Chain Management; DesignOrganization
Website of the package
Not available
Responsible faculty
dr. E.J. Aukes and dr. K.R.D. Lulofs
Description of the minor package
In this High Tech Human Minor you assess, evaluate and rethink linearity in production and consumption systems, The context is the future agenda regarding a fossil fuel free and circular (bio-) society. You will learn about transitions and innovations while you also practice by applying the triple bottom framework thinking. You will map, assess, reflect upon and rethink some production and consumption activities. The triple bottom line emphasizes that responsible solutions start with assessing social, environmental and economic impacts.
Are you motivated to learn how to assess and reflect upon production and consumption networks, products and services (Analysis module) and develop responsible and creative design based action towards good sustainability practices (Design module)?
You can choose two modules of 15 ECs each in a package or enroll in a single module separately.
In both modules, you will study a self-chosen paper topic by yourself and contribute to a real-life energy and/or climate action case in a small-group context. Teachers offer literature tutorials, assignment guidance sessions and tutoring of your individual and group work. In both modules you will expand knowledge and work in multidisciplinary teams. Doing things smarter builds upon social, technical and behavioral science alike. Thus, this Minor suits students from the natural sciences, behavioral and social sciences: business administration, public administration, marketing, communication, psychology, finance, sociology, engineering, logistics, physics are among the relevant disciplines, required to move forward.
In the first module Analysis you learn to map and disentangle the complex interactions between actors in networks, society, economy, materials, energy and technology. Just mapping material and energy streams in supply chains does not lead to diagnosis, evaluation and pinpointing hotspots. Multidisciplinary concepts and methods are therefore offered, and you also learn how to develop a proper research plan and proper research.
In the second module Design you shape and design sustainable and realistic alternatives for selected products, services, processes or infrastructure The creative shaping will be structured by an interactive stepwise design approach that focusses upon reshaping the interactions between actors in networks society, economy, technology and resources. You learn about the design process, designers perspectives and furthermore you practice your skills to develop design artefacts and script them to users.
More information can be found in this presentation and in this brochure.
Independent minors of 15 EC (or 30 EC)
- BioRobotics
Responsible faculty
Science and Technology
Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, or cognition. Worldwide scientific and industrial demand for skilled engineers with advanced systems and control knowledge of robotic systems that can apply this knowledge in biomedical or general high-tech systems is strongly increasing. The minor BioRobotics applies high-tech systems & control knowledge of robotic design and construction to the biomedical interaction with the human body.
If Matlab was not yet part of your educational programme, you will need to brush up your knowledge before/during summer.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Circular Economy Transition
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
dr. D.M. Yazan
The transition towards the Circular Economy requires that companies, citizens, and governments cooperatively take action for Circular Economy transition, which requires a multiple- and integrated-stakeholder understanding. Hence, the future Circular Economy awaits its implementors who speak different languages to achieve a common goal for all. To succeed it, the minor module of “Circular Economy Transition” offers a 15 EC package that takes companies, society, and governments in its core to achieve a groundbreaking impact for our common future in a cross-disciplinary education environment.
The content of this module is divided into three areas, which address the transition towards the Circular Economy from three different but interrelated perspectives, each related to one of the stakeholders mentioned above: companies, society, and governments.
Within the company perspective, students will address the main circular strategies that companies can adopt to support the transition towards the Circular Economy, such as waste prevention, waste management, urban-industrial symbiosis, sustainable services, and end-of-life product management.
Within the society perspective, students will address the role that citizens, as (potential) consumers of goods and services produced by companies, can play to foster the Circular Economy transition (e.g., pro-environmental behavior, sustainable consumption). The society perspective is approached from two perspectives: (i) consumer psychology and (ii) responsible citizenship. The society perspective is fostered via stakeholder communication perspective, where students will address the interplay between the three different stakeholders, i.e. companies, governments, and society, and learn how different communication strategies can foster the Circular Economy Transition (e.g., framing, public engagement, and stakeholder collaboration).
Within the government perspective, students will address the main policy actions that policymakers, at national and global level, can design to foster the Circular Economy transition (e.g., actions supporting environmental innovations by companies and sustainable behavior by citizens).
Finally, students will enjoy an online serious “circular economy transition game”, newly designed and tailored to this module, where they will experience the content of the lectures in a virtual environment and play the role of a citizen, a company, and a policy-maker to achieve circular economic transition in a cooperative way. Serious game is a group work and challenge-based and it is set up as a trans-disciplinary edutainment environment where technological innovations and energy transition challenges are in the practical core and embedded in the game set up.
Circular Economy minor module contributes to UT’s engagement to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations – with particular attention to Goals #17 (partnerships to achieve the goal), #4 (quality education), #7 (affordable and clean energy), #9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), #11 (sustainable cities and communities), #12 (responsible consumption and production) and #13 (climate action). Consequently, our minor contributes to the development of globally responsible citizens.Students from all UT programs are welcome to the minor based on approval of their program management.
At the end of the minor module, the students are expected- to recognize stakeholders involved in circular economy, their potential actions and interactions
- to develop (through the course) and apply (in the game play) multiple managerial and technical skills to implement circular economy networks
- to design solution concepts to implement a circular economic network over time (in the game play) recovering value-added from different types of resources, process wastes, and end-of-life products (given through courses)
- to technically and geographically identify the possibility of loop-closing or loop-slowing between minimum two entities (company-company, household-company, company-public entity, household-public entity, etc.)
- to match between the individual or collective sustainability needs of companies and the needs of consumers
- to develop and implement communication strategies to different stakeholders
- to distinguish the purchasing behavior of different types of consumers
- to develop and report solutions for shifting from unsustainable product development to circular product development
- to implement circular flows and promote evolutionary use of wastes both in form of upcycling and downcycling
- to measure sustainability indicators to assess own and network performance
- to link and convert their theory-based learnings (lectures) in circular economy practices (game)
- Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
Responsible faculty
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Short description of content
The Internet has started out as a toy academic exercise, but by now it is one of the greatest technological achievements of humanity. However, this technological advancement has also paved the way for new forms of crime.This minor will introduce you to the fields of Cybersecurity and Cybercrime. Cybersecurity encompasses measures taken to protect a computer system, a network, or the Internet as a whole, against unauthorized access or attack. As far as the Internet is concerned, however, the spectrum of abuse is large: it ranges from cyberdeviance (a behavior outside or at the edge of the formal norms of society, but not yet illegal) to real cybercrime (an activity that violates a set of legal norms).
The Cybersecurity and Cybercrime minor is a multidisciplinary minor that will cover both high-tech and human-touch aspects of this discipline, and combines them in a hands-on final project. The minor aims at providing a comprehensive, multi-faceted view of the interaction between Internet technology and crime.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Fundamentals of Humanitarian Engineering
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology
dr. N. Trauernicht
The minor course offers students an opportunity to engage in a foundational exploration of Humanitarian Engineering. Through this minor, students gain insight into diverse application areas within the humanitarian and development field, including shelter, water and sanitation, healthcare, energy production, communication technology, and infrastructure. Emphasis is placed on understanding the lifecycle considerations inherent in humanitarian engineering interventions, ranging from immediate relief efforts to long-term planning and capacity building. This approach enables students to navigate various phases of humanitarian crises and development work, each characterized by distinct challenges.
A unifying theme across the aforementioned focus areas is the adoption of an appropriate technological approach, adherence to humanitarian engineering design principles, and a commitment to advancing social justice. Notably, Humanitarian Engineering distinguishes itself from other engineering disciplines by its comprehensive incorporation of social, cultural, and contextual factors.
The course framework is rooted in challenge-based and community-based learning methodologies. Central to this approach are real-world community challenges, which serve as the cornerstone for instructing student teams in structured problem-solving techniques and the development of appropriate socio-technological interventions. Students collaborate closely with stakeholders and underserved communities to identify and define problems based on local needs. This collaborative process necessitates careful consideration of various factors, including community culture, the opportunities and risks of solutions, as well as the cultural and social dimensions influencing solution implementation in underserved communities.
- Global Crisis, Local Challenges
Responsible faculty
In our Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) minor, you will become familiar with the global climate and ecological crises we are facing ánd with the ways scientists and citizens can help address these challenges. The minor has two taught components and a challenge-based project. The core course (5 ECTS) consists of ten lectures dealing with climate change, biodiversity loss and the global injustices that are bound up with them. You will learn about successes and failures in governing these crises and the steep road ahead of us. The skills workshop (5 ECTS) consists of eight seminars dealing with the qualitative and quantitative methods of action research. You will learn about interviewing, interdisciplinary collaboration and the forms of citizen inclusion that are quintessential to CBL. The challenge-based component (5 ECTS) extends upon the insights from the core course and the skills you have developed. In a smaller group, you learn how to translate global crises into a local challenge related to energy poverty, fast fashion or (un)sustainable food practices. The interaction with – and learning from – communities and stakeholders beyond the campus is key here. In three interactive ‘pop-up class-rooms’ you engage with stakeholders, learning from their experiences and questions, developing a solution that could help them move further and reflect together on the possibilities and pitfalls of your proposal.
By studying global crises in the above-mentioned ways, you will be able to apply systems thinking at large to the many social and ecological challenges we face today. To do so, you will be asked to co-define a contemporary challenge related to the implementation of and propose solutions indicating the way ahead from a variety of stakeholder and governance perspectives. In this way, you will contribute to solutions that do justice to local and global communities as well as to the urgency and speed of the societal transformations needed to secure a liveable planet for future generations.
This year, we participate in a very interesting and promising pilot study. A maximum of eight students can participate in Challenge Lab Twente. Together with students from Saxion, AKI and ROC Twente you will be collaborate more closely with the Enschede municipality and local stakeholders. Although the majority of the work will be in Q1, you will be expected to be present on two challenge days in the second quartile including some preparatory work.
After successful completion of this module:
- Students will be able to understand the global environmental crises of climate change and biodiversity loss including the links to global (in)justices.
- Students can understand and critically discuss the successes and failures of the governance of these crises in sustainable development.
- Students can demonstrate systems thinking* and critical thinking in analysing the links between global environmental crises and three local sustainability challenges.
- Students have acquired the methodological and social skills of collaborative action research that is necessary for challenge-based learning.
- Students understand various forms of citizen inclusion and their theoretical and practical implications, including the forms of leadership and empowerment that are necessary for systemic societal change.
- Students are able to design and execute a challenge-based research project that combines key scientific insights with the inclusion of perspectives of citizen groups and societal stakeholders.
- Student show their ability to collaborate constructively with stakeholders and students from other disciplines in a project team and to reflect on their involvement in challenge-oriented interdisciplinary collaboration.
- High Tech Talent Management
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Studies
dr. S.D. Schafheitle
This minor is designed to develop knowledge on different aspects of digitalisation of (Global) Talent management in an international context. It covers both basic theories and concepts related to (Global) Talent Management practices, as well as digitalisation of such with e-HRM. The former, in this course, is an indicator of “human touch”, while the latter is an indicator of “high tech” vision of our University.
The course builds on the latest developments accumulated in several fields of research and practice such as Human Resource Management, Cross-Cultural Communication, Organisation Studies, Information Technology and Systems, Organisational Behaviour, and Innovation. During the course students will be discussing views/perspectives of different scholarly and business experts, and will be engaged in a research and design project to analyse advantages and limitations of high-tech solutions for enabling (global) talent management.
- Intelligence and Creativity in Science and Technology (30 EC)
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Studies
prof. dr. ir. M. Boon
This Challenge-Based Research/Learning (CBR/L) minor will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the complex issues of modern society, and to conduct inter-and transdisciplinary research aimed at mitigating these issues.
In the CBR/L project, students will learn to investigate these issues (the challenges) from various disciplinary perspectives. The overarching learning objective of the minor is the ability to conduct inter-and transdisciplinary research aimed at responsible and innovative technology in the context of societal challenges. This ability requires personal, professional, and academic skills. These skills will be transferable to all kinds of other professional and research settings.
This HTHT minor provides a 30 ECTS programme. Students will learn to investigate a challenge that requests a trans- and interdisciplinary approach, utilizing and integrating knowledge and methods from the engineering and social sciences and the humanities. They will collaborate on a challenge in a multidisciplinary team consisting of students and teachers from different bachelor programmes, researchers from other institutes, and the ‘challenge-provider’ from companies, NGOs, industry, etc.
Students will put together their own personal study programme. We call this a personal development plan (PDP). Writing the PDP starts with the question of what you would like to learn in the CBR/L project given the overarching learning objective. Hence, the minor has a general learning objective, but students decide how they fill this in. To support the development of personal, professional and academic skills relevant to the overarching learning objective (i.e., ability to conduct inter-and transdisciplinary research etc.), the minor programme offers a menu of micro-modules (1 ECs). Students can choose a set of micro-modules from this menu to help them develop the skills described in their PDP – this approach is called scaffolding.
In addition, students can choose content courses (from other programmes or online courses) to gain knowledge relevant to the CBR/L project. The study-units (micro-modules and courses) each have there own learning objectives and assessment. The educational idea is that students exercise what they learn in the micro-module (on skills) when conducting the CBL project. Altogether, the 30 ECTS programme will consist of 13-18 ECs coursework, consisting of the micromodules and one or two electives. The remaining 12-17 ECs consists of project work. The choice between these versions of the minor is substantiated and justified in the PDP.
- Introduction to Neuroscience for Society and Business
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Studies
dr. L. Alvino
Neuroscience is stepping beyond its medical roots and offering new solutions to social issues (e.g., mental well-being). There is an increasing interest, particularly among those outside the field, in using neuroscientific insights for problems other than biomedicine and discussions about neuroscience's future applications in different fields. Journalists, policymakers, and experts in various fields, from sociology to philosophy, are all weighing in. They are not just talking about today's applications but also imagining how neuroscience might shape our world in the future. Forward-thinking neuroscience applications for business and societal challenges promise to revolutionise our understanding of human cognitive functions and behaviours across diverse contexts. This is exemplified in several domains, such as analysing consumer behaviour to improve marketing strategies (e.g. testing the efficacy of advertising), boosting citizens' well-being (e.g., mindfulness), facilitating communication between humans and machines (e.g., using brain-computer interfaces) and augmenting cognitive abilities to elevate employee training and learning experiences. This minor is a response to these evolving opportunities and unlocking the power of neuroscience for business and society. We invite you to explore these fascinating issues with us in this minor program!
The minor “Introduction to Neuroscience for Business and Society” allows you to dive into our human brain and the central nervous system. Our objective is to enable you to understand how the brain works to address societal challenges and business issues by thoroughly examining neuroscience methodologies and tools. This minor promises to challenge, inspire, and transform your understanding of neuroscience to fit current and relevant challenges.
Whether you aspire to be a psychologist, an engineer, a healthcare manager or simply curious about the brain's power, this minor is your ticket to unlocking new possibilities. Our team looks forward to welcoming you to our Introduction to Neuroscience for Business and Society minor. Join us as we journey into the future of brain exploration!
Is the “Minor Introduction to Neuroscience” Right for you?
Yes, if you wish to:
• Uncover the mysteries of what occurs in our minds and brains.
• Learn what influences the way humans think, decide and act.
• Apply knowledge about the brain and cognition to societal and business challenges.
• Work on a multidisciplinary project.Which topics are NOT covered in the “Minor Introduction to Neuroscience?
In this minor, we do not include aspects related to:
• The mechanisms of diseases and disorders of the brain and central nervous system, such as clinical neuroscience.
• Develop technologies for understanding and treating the brain, such as neuroengineering. - Materials for the Design of the Future
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology
dr. F. Grunert, F. van Elburg
Short description of content
The aircraft and automotive industries are among the leading industries for new developments in terms of innovative materials and technologies, and many of them are based on polymers. This minor provides a broad insight, staring from the development of innovative materials, special technological functionalities and possibilities to improve their sustainability and recyclability. It is divided into 3 parts: a course about material technology, a course about the sustainable future and a design process project.
Advanced and Innovative Material Science (AIMS)
In the course Advanced and Innovative Material Science (AIMS), different aspects of materials will be introduced. The course contains three main directions. First, lectures about materials in general will be given with a focus on polymers. Secondly, the interaction mechanisms and interfaces between materials will be discussed. Lastly, the focus lies on materials used in advanced and innovative applications, such as self-healing and other SMART materials. During the course, one group assignment will be organized, where students are asked to investigate a material or application in more detail.
Heading towards a sustainable future (HTSF)
The newly developed course “Heading towards a sustainable future (HTSF)” deals with recent challenges and solutions to improve the sustainability of modern materials, in specific polymers. 4 main topics will be covered within this course:
1. National and International policies with regards to sustainability and recycling of polymers, recycling streams, circular economy, REACH legislations and life cycle analysis (LCA)
2. Recycling of plastics, elastomers and composite materials incl. microplastic challenges and solutions
3. New biobased solutions with regards to biomasses, monomers, polymers and additives
4. Recent trends of the industry incl. guest lectures from companies
The course is supported by experts from different chairs at the UT as well as guest lectures from the industry who gives insights into newest trends and developments.
During the project, students combine their gained knowledge of the 2 courses to create, evaluate and improve their own polymeric materials. The design process consists of working in teams. The process will be presented and discussed with peers on a regular base.More information can be found in the brochure.
- Regional Sustainable Development
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Studies
dr. R.P.A. Loohuis
In this module, students can already make their mark on the world by using and expanding their competences in the entrepreneurial process of regional sustainable development and setting up supply chains that connects supply and demand. In a nutshell, students will learn what new public management entails, the underlying psychological and entrepreneurial processes and the role of communication applied in the context of regional sustainable development. This learning experience will help students to sustain their future careers in important ways because students know what it takes to strategize when faced by complex challenges in many domains of society and have developed important social and practical competences to actually embark on such challenges and create favorable outcomes.
This on minor puts the student in the front seat of their own learning process but this comes with a responsibility of students and educational staff. This minor is open to all third-year bachelor and pre-master students enrolled in programs at the University of Twente regardless of their background. However, students must have a general interest in sustainable regional development. Furthermore, students must be interested to expand their knowledge of theoretical domains of entrepreneurship, psychology, new public governance and communication. Also, students need to be interested to apply these different theoretical domains to explore valuable socio-technological solutions to real-life challenges on a learning by doing basis. In doing so, students will benefit from deep-learning in multidisciplinary settings and gain important transferable skills valuable to advance their future careers.
Working with external stakeholders is a key feature of this minor. This minor considers external stakeholders as challenge providers. Challenge providers can be any regional party (citizen groups, networks, communities, entrepreneurs, municipalities, consultants, or policy makers) with an idea for regional sustainable development. However, it is important that there is no solution readily available and that the case/idea is complex and even controversial. Given the joint interest and efforts, challenge providers too are invited to engage and learn with the student team assigned to their challenge. In practice, this means that challenge providers are willing to participate in weekly meetings with their team to provide feedback and reflect on the progress including the final solution offered to them.
- Smart Cities - Multifunctional Flood Defenses
PRACTICAL INFORMATION Smart Cities - Multifunctional Flood Defences
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology
Minorteam coordinator
dr. J.J. Warmink
In this High Tech Human Touch minor students will create and design a Multifunctional Flood Defences as an innovative Nature Based Solution. Students will master learn in-depth knowledge related to MFDs and apply this knowledge in an interdisciplinary design and co-create a physical scale model for the study area.
Under the increasing pressure of growing population, urbanisation and climate change, the worldwide number of citizens threatened by floods is increasing. This increase puts pressure on the use of space in deltaic regions – where roughly 40% of the global population nowadays live – all around the world; there is an urge to effectively use the available space along coasts and rivers. Multifunctional flood defences increasingly raise interest as a nature-based solution in many regions around the world (e.g. New York, Japan and the Netherlands). Compared to conventional flood defences, an increasing number of design requirements needs to be considered for MFDs, such as its use functions, spatial planning, flood safety and location specific environmental characteristics, with an associated increasing number of actors. In this module, students are introduced to the opportunities and challenges in Nature Based Solutions for flood protection. This module teaches integration of knowledge from various scientific fields, addresses interdisciplinary co-creation and combines it in a practical design project. Students are asked to go in-depth in their own scientific field, while integrating their results in interdisciplinary teams. The final product of this module is a design of a MFD for the study area for which students will also create a physical visualization in the form of a scale model.
In this minor, students learn to integrate knowledge from various scientific fields related to Multifunctional Flood Defences, learn to design in an interdisciplinary team and learn to use expert knowledge to co-create a physical scale model of a Multifunctional Flood Defence. Yearly varying state-of-the-art topics, essential for MFD design, are introduced. Students go in-depth into one of these topics, while integrating their results in interdisciplinary teams. Examples of these topics are:
- Systems Engineering is an essential component of highly complex projects. The objective of this aspect is to develop a strategic plan that outlines objectives processes and means for: dealing with stakeholder interests, integrating knowledge in project management and communicating and disseminating your innovative design.
- Living Foreshore Dynamics is using natural processes to develop stable foreshores and develop vegetation management strategies and potential for increasing flood protection.
- Geotechnics. A rigorous calculation for dike safety under self-weight/wave loads is always important. You will use numerical methods for this calculation, derive material properties from real-world measurements, and verify whether your design is safe, considering local, heterogeneous soils and proper interventions if needed.
- Novel Building with Nature concepts, such as sandy or vegetated foreshores can be applied to combine nature and flood safety.
- Multifunctional Flood Safety poses challenges for the methods for assessing flood safety, which is affected by transitions between foreshores, dikes and embedded structures. Students apply novel methods to ensure safety against flooding.
The study area is divided into different sections. Each team consists of around five students and is responsible for the design of one of the neighbouring sections of the study area. Each team member works as an expert on one of the topics and acquires in-depth knowledge. The experts from the different teams work together to exchange knowledge and learn from each other under supervision during expert meetings. During plenary sessions, the designs and requirements are exchanged between the teams. The DesignLab is intended to use as a central location for lecture, exchange, project work and physical model construction. Planning of the design and work process is essential in this module.
- Smart Solutions for Sustainable Cities
Responsible faculty
Engineering Technology
Dr. S. Vrielink
Short description of the content
Owners of urban space continuously attempt to improve urban life and enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities. Advancements in SMART technologies have shaped the potential for these agents to enhance the quality in urban space even more, creating sustainable cities of the future. However, this quest towards tomorrow’s sustainable cities requires many authorities, public and private parties as well as technology developers to design and implement integrated smart solutions that closely fit within technology trajectories and emerging societal needs. Furthermore, the great potential and challenges lying ahead for sustainable cities demand adaptions in the urban built environment and its critical infrastructures.
Students participating in this module are introduced to the field of civil engineering and management and society’s transition towards a sustainable city urban environment & infrastructures. In the first part of the module, they learn how this domain confronts challenges related to urbanization, energy transitions and more accessible, reliable, safe and secure environments, and how urban life is supposed to be improved in sustainable cities (e.g. through the use of smart energy grids, ubiquitous computing and location based services).
In addition, students learn how technologies require a change and reconstruction of the existing cityscape both in physical as well as in institutional sense.
Despite the discomfort for citizens, construction works are unavoidable given the need to transition toward sustainable cities. Besides addressing the general high-level view on smart solutions, this module therefore also spends significant attention on the design of solutions that help, therefore minimizing the public impact of executed civil engineering work. It focuses on how non-invasive technologies (for example: GPS & sensors to monitor and guide traffic flows; GPS to guide secure and accurate excavating; GIS to integrate design information; sensors to measure green infrastructure performance; and robots to perform inspections safer and more accurate) can help to streamline construction activities. These ‘smart solutions for sustainable cities’ eventually result in less costly and less disruptive urban space transitions. Central to this is the following challenge and question:
How can we use technological design to transform our current cities, reshape and build the cities of the future without disturbing processes and activities in existing public space?
While elaborating on this question, students of this module will obtain basic knowledge about the functioning of these state-of-the-art technologies (construction automation, systems engineering, geophysics, smart buildings, and green infrastructure) that are soon to be deployed in the domain of the built environment and civil engineering. Then, students will be assigned to a real-life client with a very specific ‘non-invasive city engineering’ problem. The students are requested to find a (design) solution for these clients (e.g. by designing a measurement application, excavation safety system, underground facility). During these projects, they obtain feedback from industry stakeholders to develop and mobilize their solutions and learn how their work contributes to smoother upgrading and renewal projects.
In short, the module consists of two integrated parts and is structured as follows: In the first weeks, lectures focus on current developments toward sustainable cities and attend lectures covering basic theory in geo-engineering, geophysics, machine learning and construction. Next, students will be clustered in groups and assigned to projects. In groups they solve a real-life 'non-invasive city engineering' design problem, with field trips to relevant projects. A mini-symposium concludes the course.
More information can be found in the brochure.
- Technology for Women's Health in a Life Span Perspective
Responsible faculty
Behavioural Management and Social Studies
dr. C. Bode
This is a broad scope minor that is open for students from all faculties and aims for interdisciplinary learning related to women's health and opportunities to improve women's health throughout the life span by personalised technology. Next to knowledge about women's health from different disciplines, the students will become familiar with various research methods to explore women's health needs. Next to research skills, students will learn about technology development and gender-sensitive design across the life span. In addition, methods to change health behaviour focussed on women will be practiced and the applicability of different technologies (such as machine learning, virtual reality environments, optical and imaging techniques) will be experienced by students. Students will explore how to work together across disciplines and will apply this knowledge in a project about endometriosis.
Attention to and focus on women’s health is progressively stepping into the limelight. This is also reflected in a growth in international opportunities for students to learn about the topic. However, existing initiatives largely focus on sexual and reproductive health, and do not incorporate technology development, health behaviour change methods and gender-sensitive design as key areas of expertise. This minor aligns directly with the focus on healthcare and technology that the University of Twente upholds in her educational vision. The mission of the UT is to be the ultimate people-first university of Technology, and to empower society through sustainable solutions. More research and innovation is needed to improve our understanding of health and care needs throughout the life course, including those related to health disparities including sex and gender. With this knowledge, more personalised, effective, accessible, and affordable solutions can be developed to promote women’s health and well-being.
In this minor, we offer a thus far unique approach to unmet health needs throughout the life span, illustrating how new technologies can increasingly have the entry point on a totality of health experiences that include social and economic factors, the influence of culture, psychology, access to health resources, experiences of health and illness, and interactions with the health care system.
Students are encouraged to explore how technological research and development, clinical practice, health related behaviour (change) and disease management are required to make a decisive step forward in women’s health. A key takeaway for students will be that a life course approach to women’s health recognizes that behavioural, biological and social factors act interactively and cumulatively throughout the entire lifespan to shape health outcomes in later life. The novel technology and design focus of this minor encourages students to explore how the influence of sex and gender in device development could contribute to using the full potential of medical applications and their uptake. This requires a re-evaluation of the assumption that similar diagnostics, medical and psychological treatments will work alike for men and women and will, therefore, require a similar technological solution.
Crossing borders & education minor
- Crossing borders
Website of the minor Canvas page: Crossing Borders (2024-2025)
Responsible Faculty BMS
Coordination Team Laura Franco-Garcia (CSTM)
Ben Jongbloed (CHEPS)
Renze Kolster (CHEPS)
Martin Stienstra (NIKOS)To learn more about the minor Crossing Borders and its versions (short and extended field study, virtual project), you can visit the Crossing Borders team during the Minor Fair on 19 March 2024. During the fair, you can join our 10-minute presentation followed by a 20-minute Q&A session. If you wish to receive more information through an additional information session (after the Minor Fair), please enrol in the Crossing Borders 2024/2025 Canvas course.
Please note: Bachelor students in Chemical Science and Engineering (CSE) can apply for this minor, but they should get permission from their faculty’s Examination Board. Students from the Applied Physics (TN) study programme are not permitted to join this minor.
Module 1 (15 EC) consists of two versions of which you can choose one:
· Virtual project: for students who wish to gain an international experience by working at home for an organisation abroad (Version A).
· Extended Field Study (part 1): For students who want to do a field study / internship at an organisation outside the Netherlands (Version C, part 1).
Module 2 (15 EC) consists of three versions of which you – depending on participation in Module 1 – can choose one:
· Extended Field study (part two): only for students who started in Module 1 with Extended Field Study (part one) and, as such, continue their field study (Version C, part 2).
· Field Study: only for students who completed the Virtual Project in Module 1 (Version D).
· Short Field Study: for students who did not take any of the Module 1 versions of Crossing Borders (Version E).
Students in the Extended Field Study (Version C part 1 and part 2) will go abroad for 15 weeks (from mid-October). Students in the Field Study and Short Field Study will go abroad for about 10, respectively 9 weeks, after having done the required preparation work in the first week(s) of Module 2.
Registration for Crossing Borders 2024-2025
Students interested in a Crossing Borders’ field study can enroll to our Canvas course. Under ‘Assignments’, you can find a form with which you can register for a Crossing Borders Field study. Note that official registration will start after the minor fair (19 March 2024). After the minor fair we will ask you to confirm your enrolment in Crossing Borders. We will inform the UT minor coordinator of your enrolment. Consequently, your registration in Osiris will be arranged for you.
For students interested in doing Crossing Borders’ ‘Virtual Project’ there is a separate assignment on our Canvas course. Students interested in doing this version are to write a motivation letter. There are 30 places available.
Note that for the field study versions, there is no selection of students, and a motivation letter is not required.
During the minor fair we will provide more information on Crossing Borders. In addition, a follow-up session will be organised, where there will be time to answer questions.
More information can be obtained from the Canvas course ‘Crossing Borders (2024-2025)’ as well as from the Crossing Borders coordination team.
Learning objectives
This minor offers students opportunities to gain international experience by going abroad for a field study / internship, or by working from the Netherlands with international partners. Where possible, the students’ study background will be connected to an international project that they will have to carry out. Crossing Borders consists of one or two (15 EC) modules, which can be taken separately.
Students who wish to participate in Crossing Borders will work on a challenge-based project in an international setting. They will bring their knowledge and competences to a higher level. The design of the minor is framed around the world’s Grand Challenges, expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
The course has two key goals: (1) giving students an opportunity to gain an international experience and (2) make students work on topics that require them to also go beyond their disciplinary boundaries, thus gaining a cross-disciplinary experience. This explains the name Crossing Borders.
The minor Crossing Borders is grounded on the belief that the most important issues for ensuring a sustainable future are cross-disciplinary. This will require knowledge, creativity, innovation, and thinking in terms of systems and cross-overs.
International Grand Challenges and Globalisation
Our starting point in the minor are the ‘International Grand Challenges’. These challenges include:
· How to feed 9 billion people in 2050, on a planet that is heavily pressured by climate change, a lack of natural resources, acidified oceans, and a shortage of food and fresh water (to name a few)?
· How to improve energy security that reduces both political tensions and environmental impacts?
· How can firms raise productivity in an environmentally friendly and socially equitable way, while still being competitive?
· What role is to be played by governments - national, regional and international – to enhance responsible innovative solutions?
As part of the International Grand Challenges, globalisation processes will be discussed. Cultural differences and internationalisation of companies, universities and NGOs are becoming increasingly important. However, what exactly do we mean when talking about globalisation? Is the world getting smaller? Is the role of Western countries diminishing and are emerging countries, such as China and India, taking over the role of Western countries? What will be the role of Africa and Latin America in the future?
Short explanation of the Crossing Borders versions
In the Virtual Project students work on an international project with a foreign partner organisation. Students will be based at the University of Twente (UT), thus experiencing ‘internationalisation at home’. To communicate with the international partner they will make use of Zoom/Teams/email (hence the term ‘virtual’). The project work requires students to solve a practical problem (linked to one of the SDGs) proposed by the organisation abroad.
The Extended field study starts in Module 1 and will continue throughout Module 2. Students choosing Field Study or Short Field Study will start in Module 2. All Field Study students carry out their own research project abroad, usually at a charity, NGO, foundation, school, company or a research institute abroad. As part of this, they volunteer in the organisation abroad, thus contributing to the organisation’s goals. A large database containing a broad range of host organisations from around the world, is available for students. Students can contact these organisations, but they are also allowed to find a host organisations through their own searches. All of this is done in agreement with the student’s tutor. After a field study preparation, students will go abroad to their host organisation.
Minor coordinators: Laura Franco-Garcia, Ben Jongbloed, Renze Kolster, Martin Stienstra
Responsible Faculty: Behavioural, Management and Social-Sciences (BMS)
For more information, download the brochure.
- Education minor
Information about the Education minor (Dutch minor 'Leren Lesgeven') is only available in Dutch. More about the education minor can be found here.
Transfer minor
Do you already know during your bachelor's study that you want to transfer to another master's?
A transfer minor might be a great opportunity for you! Taking a transfer minor can save you time and money. By using the transfer matrix you can quickly see your possibilities. Here you will find some more information about transfer minors.
You will need permission from the study programme that offers the minor as well as from your own study programme. If you don't know how to tackle this, contact your study adviser for help.
Minor elsewhere
UT students can take minors UT offers, but it is also possible to take a minor at another Dutch university or even abroad.
- Minor at another Dutch University
UT is a member of a partnership between different educational institutes, called Kies op Maat. On this website, you can apply for a minor at another Dutch educational institute. Your examination board needs to approve the minor of choice first. Therefore you can download a learning agreement through the KOM website.
Do you want to take a minor that is not listed on Kies op Maat? Write a proposal in collaboration with your study adviser. This needs to be submitted to your examination board, which has to approve it. If payment is needed for taking this minor, make sure your study adviser and examination board are aware of this fact beforehand.
- Minor abroad
Within your elective space, it is possible to opt for a stay abroad. Bear in mind that it can take 6 to 12 months to complete all the necessary preparations for study or internship abroad, so start familiarising yourself as soon as possible. Get in touch with your faculty contact person for specific information concerning studying abroad. More information about spending (a part of) a semester abroad can be found on the UT Study Abroad website.
Visit the annual Let's Go Fair to get to know more about UT's partner universities around the globe, and learn more about studying abroad or an internship abroad.
Overlap mathematics
If there is an overlap in the mathematics part, you must take a substitute course. If there is a possible overlap, this is shown in the minor tool of options and the course catalogue. The standard substitute course for this is Introduction to Mathematical Analysis in various EC-variants (depending on the amount of EC + starting block of the mathematics component in the chosen minor). The course codes are as follows:
201600166 | Introduction to Mathematical Analysis | 2 EC | 1A |
201400385 | Introduction to Mathematical Analysis | 3 EC | 1B, 2A |
201600167 | Introduction to Mathematical Analysis | 4 EC | 1A |
If there is an overlap in the mathematics component, check with your study advisor to see if you qualify for a substitute course and, if so, which variant you should take. You must register for the substitute course in Osiris yourself. Also, let the contact person of the minor know that you will not take the mathematics part of the minor so that your results will be registered correctly. inschrijven/yitschrijven
If you want to deviate from the standard subject, you will have to ask permission from your programme, but also from the program offering the substitute course. Not all components can be followed just like that, so you might not get permission. If you have any questions, please contact us via email.
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis cannot be chosen by Applied Mathematics (AM) students as a substitute course. AM students should contact the AM bachelor coordinator. Also, it is not a course of the fourth quartile, so for this quartile, you will have to do this by self-study. At the end of the fourth quartile, an exam can be taken. This is the resit for the third module.
Below you can find an overview of the minors that contain mathematics and the credits:
- Mathematics overview first semester
Name Minor
Dynamic Systems
Vector Calculus
Introd. to Civil Engineering
Introd. to Math. + Calculus 1A
Safety and Risk in Delta's
Vector Calculus
Water Management
Calculus 1B
Electric Circuits
Calculus 2
Introd. to BIT
Introd. to Math. + Calculus 1A
Pearls of Computer Science
Introd. to Math. + Calculus 1A
Software Development
Calculus 1B
Software Systems
Calculus 1B
Industrial Processes
Vector Calculus
- Mathematics overview second semester
Name Minor
Designing Constructions
Mathematics D1 (Calculus 2)
Traffic and Transport
Mathematics C1 (Linear Algebra)
Business Intellingence and IT
Mathematics C1 (Linear Algebra)
Vector Calculus
Network Systems
CS variant: Mathematics C1 (Linear Algebra)
Fields and Electromagnetism
Vector Calculus
Fundamentals of Materials
Vector Calculus