Embrace Plus

Flexperiment labs remain in Cubicus until 6 September and will be closed between September 9-16.

The EmbracePlus wristband is a wearable research device that offers real-time physiological data acquisition and software for in-depth analysis. 


EmbracePlus wristband

The EmbracePlus wristband can be used for collecting digital biomarkers, such as sleep detection, tempoerature, plus, pulse rate variability, activity, respiratory rate, steps, electrodermal activity and skin conductance level.

The Embrace Plus was recently used in a student theses about the dynamic of emotions.


When handling the equipment, keep the following points in mind before using the  Embrace Plus wristband for your research:

  • Where Can You Use It?

    After reservation, the EmbracePlus wristband can be used both within or outside of our facilities. Within the lab, researchers and students may reserve the Flexperiment rooms or the EEG labspace, depending on their needs of the experiment which they conduct. If the experiment needs to be done outside of the lab, the student or researcher can bring the wristband to the desired location.

  • Using EmbracePlus platform

    The Care app can be connected via Bluetooth on the phone of the user of EmbracePlus. It collects the measurements from the EmbracePlus device and uploads them to the Empatica Cloud. 

    For managing your studies and acesssing the collected data when using EmbracePlus, you can use the Care Poral.

  • Go through the steps in the Gettign started guide

    You can read the guide on the EmbracePlus website and follow the steps carefully.



After receiving the EmbracePlus wristband, there are several steps you need to take to get started. You need to consider on what system you will use for data collection.

  • Step 1

    Open the Care Lab application on your PC/ laptop and create an account. Your participants should download the Care app on their devices as well.

  • Step 2

    Read the get started guide to begin using the wristband.

  • Step 3

    You can begin adding participants. There are two ways of doing so: 

    • with automatic ID - where the software itself generates the IDs; or
    • customised ID- where you can create the IDs (having maximum of 10 characters)

    Download and safely store the credentials (and QR code) that have been generated and share them with the participant. Using them, the participants can join the Care app and the data collection can start. 

    Read the manuals and suggested links to learn how to set up and start using the device.

  • Step 4

    Once the participant has used the credentials and accessed the Care app, the data collection can begin. 

  • Step 5

    Once the data collection is done and all the data has synced, you can select the participant and mark their term as ended. 

    From the Data Access Keys in the side menu of Care Lab, you can find the credentials to access your data.



Go first through the steps on how to reserve EmbracePlus wristband or go directly to the equipment reservation page if you have already registered your project.