UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)BMS facilitates: Archiving Paper Informed Consent Forms

BMS facilitates: Archiving Paper Informed Consent Forms

Dear BMS Secretaries and Researchers, 

A question we often get from researchers is: 1) What should I do with the informed consent forms, 2) How long should I keep them, and 3). How do I store the consent for a longer time after the research is completed? As scientific integrity and the GDPR (deleting personal data as soon as possible) conflicted with each other in these cases, it was difficult to find a good solution to these questions. Therefore, in consultation with the UT archival specialist, we have come up with a specific procedure to make paper consent forms digital and legally binding as scanning informed consent forms by yourself is not legally sufficient. In addition, this procedure is also suitable for research subject to the WMO (medical research). The ET faculty already facilitates this service, and we are happy to announce that this service is now available within the BMS as well.

BMS has now a procedure for archiving paper informed consent forms collected during research projects involving human participants. We can facilitate this service immediately, however, we prioritize the researchers and sections in Cubicus given the need to clean up due to the renovation. 
Please see the attached procedure and intake information form on how to use this procedure. 

Secretaries and researchers, please inform your colleagues in the section about this service to archive paper informed consent forms. Also, if you happen to have already collected informed consent forms in the past you can now hand them in for archiving following the procedure. 

If you have any questions concerning the service, get in contact with Deniece Nazareth or Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman

Please make sure the researcher(s) fill out (digitally preferred) the intake form and then contact LISA-Archive record administrator Ronnie Harmelink r.h.m.harmelink@utwente.nl to arrange the pickup from your office/secretary. 

Kind regards, 
also on behalf of the Data Stewards, 
BMS Research Support