Building Capacity for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education System in Mozambique - CoHERe
Support the conclusion of reforms in higher education in Mozambique - EU HE projects
Study to Design a Programme / Clearinghouse Providing Access to Higher Education for Syrian Refugees and Internal Displaced Persons - HE Financing in Latvia
World Bank Reimbursable Advisory Service on Higher Education Financing in Latvia - HE Internal Funding and Governance in Latvia
World Bank Reimbursable Advisory Service on Higher Education Internal Funding and Governance in Latvia - HE Strategy for Ethiopia
Study to Design a Higher Education Strategy for Ethiopia - Sirius Programme evaluation
Onderzoek naar de werking van het Sirius Programma om excellentie in het hoger onderwijs te bevorderen - Stimulating third-stream activity at Linköping University
Stock-taking, analysis and policy development