Programme specific information
- What is the AT webpage and AT Canvas Course?
The AT staff provides students with information by using two information channels. The first information channel is the AT webpage, where current AT students can find all kinds of information about the programme. The second information channel is the AT Canvas Course, to which all AT students have been given access. The staff places on the AT Canvas Course announcements to for example inform students about events or other information that students otherwise wouldn't receive.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Where can I find information about the content of a module?
Information about the content of modules can be found in the OSIRIS Course Catalogue. You can search for a specific module or you can find out which modules are given in a certain quartile or by a specific faculty. You can find the link to the OSIRIS Course Catalogue in the Student Portal.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Where can I find forms for a course list, or for an application for the bachelor exam, etc.?
All forms can be found on our AT webpage:
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Where can I find the study programme?
The study programme is part of the programme specific part of the EER. However, you can also find an overview of the programme on the AT website (section General Education Information > Study Programme). Programmes from previous years can also be found here.
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Rules and regulations
- What is the EER (in Dutch: OER)?
The term EER refers to the Education and Examination Rules of the educational programme. The EER contains a general and programme specific part. The general part contains rules equal for the TNW faculty. The programme specific part explains the rules that are explicit for the AT programme. It contains important information about topics like module content, validity of module part results and binding recommendation (BSA). You can find the EER on the webpage of AT (section General Education Information > Rules and Regulations > Bachelor OER).
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - Where can I find the Rules of the Examination Board AT?
Similar to the EER, the Rules of Examination Board of AT can be found on the AT webpage (section General Education Information > Rules and Regulations > Bachelor OER).
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - I did not pass the module due to failing one of the parts of the module. Can I get an extra chance to repair it?
Only for first year modules a repair can be granted, for second year modules no repairs are allowed.
In accordance with article 10a. of the Rules of the Examination Board AT, for a first year module a repair is allowed for a maximum of one module part if:
i. the student can pass the module that way, and
ii. the student has participated in all regular test for the module part, and
iii. the student obtained at least a score of 3.0 for at least one of the attempts.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - I did not pass the module. What do I need to re-do next year?
The validity of module part results is explained in article 5a of the programme specific part of the OER (section General Education Information > Rules and Regulations > Bachelor OER).
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What is the procedure for approval of a course list, bachelor assignment and graduation?
This is nicely explained in the articles 13,14 and 15 of the Examination rules BSc AT.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What are the requirements for graduating with distinction (cum laude)?
Information about the requirements for graduating ‘cum laude’ can be found in article 12 of the Rules of the Examination Board AT.
- For TOM-students (generations 2013 and later): your average grade should be at least a 8.0 and for the Bachelor assignment (module 12) you should have obtained at least a 9.
- For pre TOM-students: your average grade should be at least a 8.0, you should not have a grade lower than 6 and for the Bachelor assignment (module 12) you should have obtained at least a 9.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What do I need to do when I need to re-do parts of the module?
If you need to re-do parts of the module, you should check the transitional arrangements to see if anything has changed and which substitute courses you should take. If necessary, you can always make an appointment with the study advisor to help you with this.
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- How and when should I enrol for the course modules?
In order to be allowed to participate in a module, you need to register for this module through OSIRIS. By registering in OSIRIS, you automatically gain access to the Canvas Course of the module, which contains all the modules’ course information and materials.
Registration is possible from four weeks before the start of the module until the start of the module.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How should I enrol if I need to re-do parts of the module?
If you have passed a module subject of which the validity is granted as infinite, you don’t need to re-do the entire module. To be enrolled for the parts of the module that you need to re-do, you need to send an e-mail to in which you mention your student number, your name, the module subjects that you need to re-do and the name of the module the module subjects belong to. BOZ-AT will then arrange your enrolment. For access to the Canvas Course please contact the programme coordinator.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How and when can I enrol for a master’s programme?
If you want to enrol for a master’s programme outside the University of Twente, then consult the website of the institution you want to go to.
At the University of Twente, registration for a master’s programme is possible every next month after you graduated the AT programme. You will be registered for a master’s programme starting the first day of the next month. However, you should contact the master’s programme about the courses you are allowed to take and when you are allowed to start with the courses. You can only become enrolled into the master's programme if you are admissible for the programme. You need to contact the study advisor of the master's programme for a so-called admission statement ("toelatingsbesluit"). This statement acknowledges that you are admissible for the master's programme.
Information about how to re-enrol from a bachelor’s to a master’s programme can be also found on the webpage of Student Services.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback
- I would like to follow a minor. How many ECs do I need in order to be able to register for a minor?
In accordance with article 8.4 of the programme specific EER, you are allowed to participate in minor modules if you have obtained 75 EC and passed modules 1, 2, 5 and 6.
Registration for minor modules is different compared to the regular AT modules. Information about how and when to register can be found on the webpage of the minors.
Here, you can also find information about the minor market.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How should I register for a minor?
Information about the minor registration procedure can be found on the webpage of the minors.
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Bachelor assignment
- How many ECs do I need to have in order to be able to start my B-assignment?
For TOM-students: in accordance with article 8.5 of the programme specific EER, you need to have obtained 150 ECs and completed the core programme (all B1 and B2 modules plus two modules from the B3 programme).
For pre TOM-students: you passed all courses from the 1st year (Propedeuse-diploma) and need 85 EC from second and third year.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What’s the procedure for finishing the bachelor assignment?
1. Plan the completion of your BSc assignment and fix a date for the presentation with your committee! (A room for the presentation can be arranged via BOZ-AT.)
2. Hand in a copy of your BSc report (pdf) with BOZ-AT. Check with your committee what the group policy is for uploading your report in the UT repository. Note that uploading is seen as a formal publication which can thus hinder publication of your results as a journal paper or a conference proceeding.
3. Fill out the form “Application Bachelor Exam AT” and hand in with BOZ-AT (you should do this before finishing your BSc assignment).
4. Finish any incomplete course(s) and check if all grades have been registered in Osiris. If something is missing check with the lecturer.
5. When all above points have been resolved you are ready for your BSc-diploma!This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback
Preparation master
- Where can I find documents that can help me with in the process of choosing the master?
The third year is dominated by making you admissible for the master’s programme of your choice. The master’s programmes determine the requirements to make you admissible. An overview of these requirements can be found on our AT homepage (section General Education Information > Route to Master Programmes). There you can find useful information but also checklists regarding the choice of a master, a master access requirements matrix and info on finding a bachelor assignment.
Many of the modules required by the master’s programmes are so-called join-in minor modules, for which you need to register as a minor. It is therefore important to register for the right modules to be admissible to the master’s programme. Furthermore, the modules of your choice need to be approved by the examination board. Because these are individual choices, the Examination Board has to check whether your course list agrees with the learning outcomes of Advanced Technology and can thus qualify for a Bachelor’s diploma. Therefore, you need to submit your course list to the Examination Board to establish this in a timely fashion. Changes can always be made to this list if you change your opinion about courses to follow. The course list form can be found on the AT webpage.
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- How do I become a teaching assistant?
If there are any teaching assistant positions available, this will be made available on the AT webpage (section Teaching Assistants). On the AT Canvas Course it will also be announced if any teaching assistant positions are available.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - When are the holidays?
Information about the holidays can be found in the academic calendar (UT jaarcirkel).
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How can I transfer to a different programme?
If you decide to transfer to a different programme, then please let the study advisor of AT know that you are not going to continue with the AT programme. On the webpage of Student Services you can find information about how to enrol for a different programme and how to get a certificate stating that you paid your tuition fees.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - How can I make an appointment with the study advisor?
You can make an appointment with the study advisor using the online planner.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - I have personal circumstances that may affect my study progress, where can I find more information?
Personal circumstances that affect study progress need to be known by the study advisor. You need to report the personal circumstances here.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What are the possibilities of studying abroad?
The UT offers a wide range of opportunities to go abroad. As a student you need to be in the lead if you want to study abroad. You need to know what you want and need to come up with a study plan yourself. This study plan needs to meet the programme outcomes. If you want to know more about the possibilities to study abroad, you can contact the faculty’s Exchange officer, Ms. Sarah Kotter ( She can tell you more about the partnerships the UT has with other educational institutes.
This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - When will I receive my diploma?
Twice a year, we organize a bachelor’s graduation ceremony. During this festive ceremony you will receive your diploma.
There may be a reason that you are not able to attend the ceremony and you need to receive your diploma at another time. If this is the case, then you can contact BOZ-AT and make an appointment to pick-up your diploma.This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback - What’s the procedure for double exams?
Since AT-students regularly take modules from other educational programmes (especially in their third year) it sometimes happens that timetables overlap, and especially in the case of exams this can cause problems (since it’s physically impossible to sit two different exams at the same time). Since the UT is aware that this sometimes happens, there is a simple procedure that allows you to sit both exams one after the other. However, not many students are aware of this. So, in case you find out that two exams are planned at exactly the same time, here’s what you should do:
1. At the beginning of the module, check the timetable(s) of the module(s) you’re participating in.
2. If you spot two exams taking place at the same time: Send a mail to two weeks before the date of the exams at the very latest and mention: your name, student number, the date and time of the exams, the names and codes of the subjects and your request to sit both exams one after the other.
3. The tentamenbureau will forward your mail to your study advisor to ask whether you get permission to sit both these exams.
4. The study advisor will usually grant permission.
5. About 1.5 week before the exam you will receive an e-mail from the tentamenbureau containing information about your double exam (which means sitting in a separate room and writing both exams in one [long] session with a short break in between).This answers my question.Thank you for your feedback