CHOIR seminar
Improving healthcare operations starts here
Date: Friday March 8, 2013
Time: 10:45 - 12:00
Welcome and coffee from 10:30
Location: University of Twente, Citadel H327 (building 9 on the campus map)
Cost: Free (registration not required)
Nardo Borgman,
Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement & Research, University of Twente
Manon Bruens,
Ziekenhuisgroep Twente
The Integrated Emergency Post: the solution for ED overcrowding?
In this talk we focus on the Integrated Emergency Post (IEP) in Almelo, which is a collaboration between the Emergency Department (ED) of Ziekenhuisgroep Twente Almelo and the General Practitioner post (GP post) Almelo and started in April 2010. The IEP presents patients a single health care provider where they may go when faced with an acute need for care outside office hours. Additionally, the GP post functions as a gatekeeper, ensuring that patients receive the appropriate care for their health care demand. However, given the multitude of changes that have taken place, it is hard to give a quantitative justification of the benefits of this function.
The University of Twente developed a discrete-event simulation model of the IEP Almelo. By analyzing the differences between an integrated and non-integrated model, insights are provided into the benefits of the IEP. In addition, with the simulation model and an iterative approach, multiple organizational interventions are tested for a more efficient use of the IEP. In January 2013, one of the most promising interventions (employing a physician assistant at both GP post and ED) has been trialed in practice.
In this session we present the simulation model, the effects of the IEP, overall conclusions for other IEPs, and the results of the organizational intervention, both theoretically and in practice.
This seminar is split in two parts. The first part, presented by Nardo Borgman, PhD student at the University of Twente, will focus on the theory. The second part focuses more on the practical implications of this project and is presented by Manon Bruens from Ziekenhuisgroep Twente.
Slides can be foundĀ here.