
Twente R User Group

The work group consists of students and staff from several departments of the University of Twente. The goal of the group meetings is to exchange experiences and ambitions regarding the use of the statistical programming software R. The work group tries to meet monthly, alternating days and times so that more people are able to join, even if they can only attend bi-monthly. The location of the meetings varies, sometimes the meeting takes place during the workday at the UT-Campus, other meetings are held in the evenings in Boekelo.

The level of experience and type of ambitions of the members vary greatly. Some experienced programmers want to familiarize themselves with R to broaden their horizon, some use R for Monte Carlo simulation, some merely want to use a platform for data manipulation and analysis that does not require an expensive license, and some use R because it can do types of analyses that can’t be carried out using SPSS. Several members in the group are interested in parallelization and integration with C++ code to speed up analyses.

Slides and material of previous sessions as well as information on upcoming meetings are available at the TRUG-blog. For more information on upcoming Twente R User Group meetings, contact Dr. Stéphanie van den Berg.

Data Sessions for Qualitative Research

On demand we meet to analyse data in a team setting. This “team interpretation collaboratory” is open to student, junior and senior researchers from the entire faculty and beyond. Usually, the data will stem from current explorative-interpretative (some call it “qualitative”) projects. It includes field documents, interview data, images, film materials, and web content. Data is brought in typically by one researcher per session. The researcher who brings in the data quickly introduces his/her research question, the desired method of analysis, and the selected data. Then the participants offer interpretations in a systematic process of analysis guided by a senior researcher. These data sessions can also be used for support on the (qualitative) analysis package ATLAS.ti.

Time: On demand; minimum one hour
Venue: On demand
Contact: Dr. Peter Stegmaier

Please note: Besides the free data sessions, the STePS department also offers ATLAS.ti courses. There are two options:

Text Analysis Café

The Text Analysis Café is an open, bi-monthly gathering for students and researchers with interest in and knowledge of text analysis, either using manual analysis (discursive, narrative, or otherwise) or automated analysis (text mining, machine learning, natural language processing etc.). The meetings start with brief presentations (20 minutes), after which there is time for discussion and exchange of knowledge and experience in an informal setting.


To keep informed or participate in the Text Analysis Café, email Dr. Anneke Sools.

Presentations given at the Text Analysis Café: