Data Analysis

BMS Datalab collaborates with colleagues of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences and the School of Management and Governance to assist researchers in analyzing their quantitative and qualitative research data.

  • Quantitative research

    In quantitative research, social phenomena are systematically and empirically investigated by developing and employing mathematical models, theories or hypotheses. Quantitative research aims at uncovering patterns and relationships, making predictions and generalising results from sample to population.

    Quantitative data are numerical data that can be ranked or categorized, the data consist of scale measures like height, IQ, test scores or percentages. Numerical data like telephone numbers or social security numbers cannot be used in quantitative research, since these are not scale measures. The data can be collected by means of experiments, observations, questionnaires or simulations. Quantitative data can be analysed using statistical and mathematical methods and techniques.

    In conjunction with the Department of Research Methodology, Measurement and Data Analysis (OMD) we offer support on the following subjects and statistical packages:

    Subject/Statistical package


    Atlas TI

    Helps you to uncover the complex phenomena hidden in your data. ATLAS.ti offers a powerful and intuitive work environment designed to keep your focus centered on your material.

    Data Mining

    Computional process of discovering patterns in large data sets (“big data”).

    Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis

    A paradigm for the design, analysis and scoring of tests, questionnaires and similar instruments measuring abilities, attitudes or other variables.


    A program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation.


    An acronym for linear structural relations used in structural equation modeling (SEM) for manifest and latent variables.


    LIWC is a text analysis software program that calculates the degree to which people use different categories of words across a wide array of texts.


    High-level language and interactive environment used by millions of engineers and scientists worldwide.


    A latent variable modeling program with a wide variety of analysis capabilities.


    Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.


    A software package used for statistical analysis in (amongst others) the social sciences, health sciences and marketing.


    A professional statistical software package that enables users to do Structural Equation Modeling or PLS path modeling.


    A general-purpose statistical software package, which is used to data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, statistical analysis and custom programming.


    Fast, easy and economical way to move data between SAS and a variety of spreadsheets, databases, and other statistical packages.

    Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

    Family of statistical methods designed to test a conceptual or theoretical model.


    Part of the BUGS project, which aims to make practical MCMC methods available to applied statisticians.


    Students can get methodological and statistical advice and assistance with SPSS at the “Methodologiewinkel”, an initiative of the Department of Research Methodology, Measurement and Data Analysis of the faculty of Behavioural Sciences.

  • Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research aims at understanding the everyday meanings of various forms of social action, strategies, practices, institutions, and the circumstances under which they occur. It focuses more on typicality and generalisability than on frequency and representivity, more on adequacy than on causality. The qualitative research process is not linear, but circular among the components describing, understanding and explaining. It serves the reconstruction of social reality, in so far as it allows for objectivation and documentation. Qualitative methodology strives after the scientific reconstruction of everyday reality constructions in controlled and systematic ways.

    Data is based on „natural“ documents picked up from the field and „artificially“ constructed data that translate action into language, or language into writing. It is derived from all sorts of texts and speech acts, situated behaviour (both individual and social) and narratives (both written and spoken), images, audiovisuals, open or semi-open non-standardised interviews and from observations with different degrees of participation by the researcher. Qualitative data is analysed by discovering of a multiplicity of meanings, by categorising and sorting categories into thematic clusters up to „thick descriptions“. Analysis is grounded in a „dialogue" between both the investigated social phenomena and the framework of the research.

    For advice on qualitative research and the software package ATLAS.ti, data sessions are organised by the Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS). Find out more under “Workgroups” in the menu on the left.

  • Sage Research Methods

    UT faculties ITC and BMS have collaborated in the acquisition of a very useful product for researchers, teachers and students: SAGE Research Methods. There have been some trials in recent years, and several UT employees (e.g. OMD and PA departments) are already enthusiastic users or even contributors.

    The site supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Nearly everyone at a university is involved in research, from students learning how to conduct research, to faculty conducting research for publication, to librarians delivering research skills training. SAGE Research Methods has the answer for each of these user groups, from a quick dictionary definition, a case study example from a researcher in the field, a downloadable teaching dataset, a full-text title from the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, or a video tutorial showing research in action.

    This methods library provides UT users with over 2000 books (eg, The little Green books for general statistics courses, or on applied statistics with SPSS), reference works, journal articles, research cases and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. It has the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research.

    Direct access at the Campus.
    Access when you are outside the Campus

    Any questions? Contact your information specialist.

    C:\Users\BlikmanLJM\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\EXFPXX4J\voorbeeld method map groot (002).png

  • Audio transciption: AmberScript

    BMS LAB has a faculty licence for AmberScript speech 2 text audio transcription.
    For info, go to the software offered by BMS Lab.

  • Virtual Research Environments (VRE)