UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsBIOSResearchTheme: Electrochemical sensors and sensor systems

Introduction: Electrochemical sensors and sensor systems

This research area covers the development of knowledge and expertise of the electrode-liquid interface and its application in electrochemical micro-and nanodevices. The three basic detection principles are studied: potentiometry, amperometry and conductometry. Besides developing electrochemical sensors, the integration into lab-on-a-chip systems is implemented using cleanroom microfabrication. This opens up new operational principles such as redox cycling and the use of ultra-micro electrodes. In addition, integration of electrochemical cells in a Lab-on-a-chip enables the conversion of electro-active species.

Application of these electrochemical sensors and systems are in the field of health care, life sciences as well as in the field of environment and sustainability.

Research projects

Membrane for novel super capacitor electrodes

D:\Profiles\Solsonam1\Desktop\Zeolites\Zelites photos\SEM pictures\COATED06.TIF
Single broken fluid catalytic cracking particle

Particle position determined by impedance spectroscopy

For more information, visit our webpage http://www.utwente.nl/ewi/bios/, or contact:

Dr. ir. Wouter Olthuis

Carré 2409

+31 (0)53 489 2688