Design Course

During the Design Course, the individual design assignment is the main part of the course. This assignment is often executed within your own company and will be supervised by a lecturer of the university. As course participant you write your own assignment description. In addition, you will take a compulsory course and two elective courses. The courses of the Design Course and Advanced Course can be followed simultaneously. Please note that for some courses, prior knowledge is neccessary. 

The total study load for the Design Course is on average 30 EC. After you have successfully completed all exams and assignments, you will receive the certificate Process Technology Design Course.

The Design course consist of:

  • M11. Thermodynamics and flowsheeting

    Flowsheeting is the use of computer aids to perform steady-state and dynamic heat and massbalancing for chemical processes. Important aspect in this expertise are property set selection, flowsheet analysis and unit  operation selection and specification.

    This course deals with the principles of steady-state flowsheeting, the practical use of modern flowsheeting software and the advantages, limits and pitfalls of these programs. At the end of the course we expect students to be able to work with the flowsheeting tools available. A Thermodynamic correct description of the different phase equilibria is critical for an adequate description of the process.

  • M12. Individual design assignment

    The student can combine this project with his job in the company. The objectives of the project should be a structured process design including all relevant aspects concerning this design. The assignment is defined in close collaboration with the teacher involved. He/she is selected based on the subject studied. The course is finalized with a report and oral exam. 

  • Electives from the list elective courses of the speciality Chemical & Process Engineering (C&PE)

    The courses you choose are meant to broaden and/or can be of benefit when working on your individual assignment. You can discuss your choice with the coordinator of the course or study adviser of the MSc Chemical Engineering. In total course participants have to choose 10 EC worth of electives. Please note that it is the student's responsibility to choose an elective that is open to CSE students (should a subject have a CSE version and a non-CSE version, the CSE version should be taken).



Course participants follow to courses together with the master students of the programme Chemical Science & Engineering. They are free to determine the order in which they follow the courses. For any questions, the course coordinator is available to help with planning. It is possible to follow the modules of the Advanced Course and Design Course simultaneously.

In order to offer course participants a programme that is doable for them, we increasingly work with online classes and recorded lectures. This offers the possibility to follow courses from another location. The courses offered online will be extended in the coming years. At the moment, the courses of the Advanced Course and Design Course can not be followed as blended learning.


For all modules, course participants will need to purchase books. In addition, for all modules we make use of our online learning platform Canvas, where course participants vind material neeeded for the courses, but also, for instance lecture slides.

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