A few weeks ago, Anzal Memon, PhD Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics group (LPNO) attended the European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW) 2022 organized by CSEM* and EPFL in Neuchatel, Switzerland. She presented her work on "Generation of low repetition rate frequency combs with a hybrid integrated diode laser" which was awarded the best poster prize award!
The next step in her research is to expand upon the results she have obtained so far. "We would like to design and test mode-locked lasers with lower pulse repetition rates than the 450 MHz we have experimentally realized. Many applications would greatly benefit from low-repetition rate mode-locked diode lasers. We are also looking to extend our concept to shorter wavelengths, hopefully realizing mode-locked diode lasers operating at visible wavelengths.”
*CSEM is a research and technology organization (RTO), that champion industrial innovation and aims to help industry and society prepare for the future. EPFL is one of Europe’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan science and technology institutions.