Program Oct 30

Explore the TechMed Centre and the health labs


  • 08.30 - 09.30: Registration and coffee

    We welcome you for day 1 of sharing knowledge, sharing experiences and networking with fellow healhcare robotics companies and entrepreneurs at The TechMed Cenrte at the campus of the University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands).

  • 09.30 - 11.00: Plenray programme part 1

    Welcome to the TechMed Centre
    Ir. Remke Burie MBA - Managing director Technical Medical Centre

    The official opening of The Brokerage Event will be done by the Managing Director of TechMed Centre: Remke Burie. He will welcome everyone and start this inspiring day 1.

    Welcome to DIH-HERO Stefano Stramigioli - President DIH-HERO

    All participants (SME's, innovation hub partners and more) are welcomed on behalf of the entire consortium DIH-HERO Stefano Stramigioli. He will also go through the program of day one.

    What can DIH-HERO offer you?
    Dr. Françoise Siepel, Scientific leader DIH-HERO 

     Françoise Siepel will give a presentation about the DIH-HERO consortium for 20 minutes. What is the purpose of the project? Which core partners are involved? What does the platform and the community look like? In short: what can DIH-HERO do for you?

    Open & upcoming calls
    Maren Bödding MSc - Project manager DIH-HERO

    What current and upcoming calls are coming within the DIH-HERO project? Maren Bödding, project manager of DIH-HERO, will discuss this with you. You can also contact her for questions about these calls. For more information about the DIH-HERO calls: click here.

    Keynote talk
    Stefano Stramigioli - Professor University of Twente 

    Pitch your organization

    We end this plenary session with pitches given by the participants themselves. 5 SME's stand up one by one and present themselves. Who are they, for which organization do they work, what can the company offer others and what are they looking for themselve? The pitchers will present this to all participants in just 2 minutes.

    More information about the pitch.

  • 11.00 - 11.30: Break

    There will be a short break for only 30 minutes. During these break some coffee, thee and a healthy refreshment will be served. 

  • 11.30 - 12.45: Plenary programme part 2

    Talk about all Innovation hubs 
    Thierry Keller - Tecnalia

    Presentation: This presentation will compare established standards in health robotics with industry-led de-facto standards and best practice (ISBP) in this field.

    First outcomes of the corresponding DIH-HERO work package that has been collecting and structuring ISBP will be presented. The importance of these results for SMEs and their products and services in diagnostic robotics, interventional robotics, rehabilitation robotics, robotics supporting patients and robotics supporting healthcare professionals will be emphasized.

    Biography: Thierry Keller received his Dipl. Ing. degree in electrical engineering and his Doctorate from the ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 1995 and 2001, respectively.

    Currently, Dr. Keller is head of the Neurorehabilitation Department at TECNALIA, the largest private research center in Spain. Main activities of the Neurorehabilitation Department are research & innovation of novel enabling technologies for rehabilitation robotics, tele-rehabilitation, technologies for physical and cognitive prevention, and FES technologies including neuroprostheses.

    Dr. Keller is principal investigator in national and international projects and chaired the EU COST action TD1006: European Network on Robotics for Neurorehabilitation. He developed various neuroprostheses that help improve walking and grasp functions in spinal cord injured and stroke subjects.

    Dr. Keller is the President of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS), and steering committee member of the International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technologies (IISART). Since 2015 he chairs the umbrella society ICRT.

    Pitch your organization

    We end this plenary session with pitches given by the participants themselves. 20 SME's stand up one by one and present themselves. Who are they, for which organization do they work, what can the company offer others and what are they looking for themselve? The pitchers will present this to all participants in just 2 minutes.

    More information about the pitch.

  • 12.45 - 17.00: Open program (Innovation Hub presentations & Experience Expo)


    A lunch will be served around the  the Innovation Hub Experience Expo. The sharing disposable lunch is easy to eat and you can take this with you during the first sessions of the Innovation Hub presentations or when you're walking on the Experience Expo. For 90 minutes you have the possibilty to get you lunch. Fruit water is available at all times.

    Innovation Hub Experience Expo

    The exhibition fair will take place during day 1 (2 – 5 pm) and day 2 (11 am – 4.30 pm). This will be the central location of the event. From here, participants can move to the open program with presentations and guided tours.  

    During the fair all 16 Innovation hubs can present their own hub and give their associate partner some space to use this as well. How can the SME’s benefit from the Innovation hubs and in which domain of robotics is the hub active? The goal is to connect the robotics network and the european end-users, which lead to cross-border relationships. 

    In addition to the 16 stands, TERRINet has a stand and SME's has the opportunity for a pre-scan of their proposal ideas to the DIH-HERO organization and get valuable feedback. 

    Innovation Hub presentations

    During these presentations (short presentations of 20 minutes, all 16 Innovation hub can demonstrate the services and facilities of their region. In which domain is the hub the active? They will present successful projects of med robotics innovation by co-creation between stakeholders where the services or facilities were used. The presentation gives the SME’s a possibility to get a good overview of interesting innovation hubs.

    If you don't have time to be visit different presentations, you can always meet to the hubs on the exhibition floor and discuss the possibilities.

    These presentations will take place in parallel sessions:

    Room 1: Auditorium (130 persons)

    1.45 pm - 2.05 pm: RWTH University Hospital Aachen
    2.10 pm - 2.30 pm: Fraunhofer IPA
    2.35 pm - 2.55 pm: CEA
    3.00 pm - 3.20 pm: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
    3.25 pm - 3.45 pm: Politechnico Milano
    3.50 pm - 4.10 pm: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
    4.15 pm - 4.35 pm: Tecnalia
    4.40 pm - 5.00 pm: University of Twente

     Room 2: Plenary room TL 3330 (300 persons)

    1.45 pm - 2.05 pm: IMEC
    2.10 pm - 2.30 pm: ETF Robotics
    2.35 pm - 2.55 pm: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    3.00 pm - 3.20 pm: ETH Zurich
    3.25 pm - 3.45 pm: Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirugii
    3.50 pm - 4.10 pm: EURECAT
    4.15 pm - 4.35 pm: Danish Technological Institute
    4.40 pm - 5.00 pm: Imperial College London

    More information about the Innovation hubs.

    Healthcare & Robitcs Guided Lab tours

    During the afternoon, participants also have the opportunity to participate in two different tours: the Healthcare Guided tour and the Robotics Guided tour. Both tours last approximately 1 hour and start from the TechMed Centre.

    The Healthcare tour takes you past the examination rooms, e-health house, Operation Room and IC, the image lab with the MRI, simulation rooms (ultrasound and laproscopy). This tour is oprganized by the TechMed Simulation Centre. 

    More information about the TechMed Simulation Centre. 

    The Robotics tour will take place in other buildings with central point the Robotics and Mechatronics lab. Current projects and facilities are discussed here.

    More information about the Robotics and Mechatronics. 

  • 17.00 - 18.05: Plenary programme part 3

    Keynote: Funding Breakthru Innovation In Surgical Robotics
    Dennis McWilliams - Venture Partner at Santé Ventures

    Presetation: Mr. McWilliams will talk thru the process of medical device innovation, and specifically how breakthru innovations are developed and funded. He will also discuss current trends in medical robotics and how investors and large corporate players perceive the space.

    Biography: Mr. McWilliams is a serial entrepreneur in the medical device and biotech. His last company was a pioneer in the world of flexible endoscopic minimally invasive surgery. He is a Venture Partner at Santé Ventures and resides in Austin Texas.

    My organisation: Santé Ventures is an early stage venture capital fund that invests exclusively in medical technology. The fund has over $500mm US under management and invests in medical devices, biopharmaceuticals, and healthcare services.

    More information about Santé Ventures. 

    Keynote: The H2020 call & the reference testing facilities
    Magda Szwochertowska - European Commission DG Connect 
    Olivier da Costa - Project Officer at European Commission / DG CONNECT / A1 "Robotics & AI"

    Presentation: This presentation will be about the H2020 call on smart hospital of the future and about the reference testing facilities in future DEP as healthcare is one of the sectors under discussion.

    Wrap up day 1 Stefano Stramigioli - President DIH-HERO

    A short review on day 1. What have we all dicussed, by the keynote talks as well as during the innovation hub presentations? And what can we do with all this information? Tomorrow another inspiring day will take place, all 5 healthcare robotics domains with a speaker, moderator and discussion. In addition, there is sufficient time for networking and pre-scheduled speeddate meetings and matchmaking sessions take place.

  • 18.05 - 18.30: Drinks

    Drinks & Networking

    The first day ends with some drinks. We hope to see you all the next day. 

    More information about day 2.

programme overview