UTServicesCESSGWRegulationsResidence permit & study progress (MoMi)

Overview Residence permit & study progress (MoMi)

The Modern Migration Law (MoMi) allows faster and easier immigration procedures for highly skilled students.

It requires all non-EU/EEA students with a residence permit for study purposes at UT to achieve satisfactory academic progress. This means that you must obtain at least 50% of the ECs of the nominal study load during an academic year to keep your residence permit for the next academic year. Your study process will be evaluated at the end of the academic year.

MoMi explained (video)

  • How will I be informed about my MoMi study progress?

    At the start of the academic year, you will receive a letter which states the MoMi requirements. Each academic year there will be several moments when you'll be informed by your programme about your study progress, to be able to notice any study delay in time. You are responsible for timely informing your study adviser/Fainco about any circumstances that may cause a study delay. At the end of the academic year, the MoMi Committee will inform you about your obtained sufficient credits in that academic year. This is the final notification.

    You will have to meet the MoMi requirement each academic year.

  • MoMi applies to these countries
    • MoMi does not apply to nationals of the following countries

      • Belgium
      • Bulgaria
      • Cyprus
      • Denmark (without Faroe Islands and Greenland)
      • Germany
      • Estonia
      • Finland
      • France (including French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and Réunion) *1
      • Greece
      • Hungary
      • Ireland
      • Italy
      • Croatia
      • Latvia
      • Liechtenstein - (EEA)
      • Lithuania
      • Luxembourg
      • Malta
      • The Netherlands (without Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten, Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba)
      • Norway - (EEA)
      • Austria
      • Poland
      • Portugal (including Azores and Madeira)
      • Romania
      • Slovenia
      • Slovakia
      • Spain (including Balearic Islands and Canary Islands)
      • Czech Republic
      • United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (including Gibraltar, without Channel Islands, BNO passport holders and Isle of Man) who started their study before 1 January 2021 *2     
      • Iceland - (EEA)
      • Sweden

      *1 - French overseas departments: A French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and Réunion national is a French national. He/she is also an EU/EEA national. The MoMi doesn’t apply.
       *2 - BNO passport holders: Do you have a BNO passport? Then you don’t need a visa for the Schengen area. You do need a MVV. The MoMi doesn’t apply.

      Switzerland: Switzerland isn’t an EU/EEA member state, but a Swiss national has the same rights as an EU/EEA national. The MoMi doesn’t apply.

    • MoMi does apply to:

      Nationals of the countries not mentioned above: The national is not an EU/EEA national. The MoMi does apply.

      Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City: A national of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or Vatican City is not an EU/EEA national. The MoMi does apply.

      British nationals Who come to study and live in the Netherlands after 31 December 2020. The MoMi does apply.

      Suriname: A National of Surinam is not an EU/EEA national. The MoMi does apply.

  • Pre-master's requirements

    Deviating from the regular MoMi standard (50%), a preparatory year / pre-master / transition year must be completed successfully (100%) within 12 months, to be admitted to the main (master) programme. If you're not enrolled and admitted to the master programme before the end of the 12 months, the IND must be notified.

Study delay due to personal circumstances

After the end of each academic year, the MoMi Committee determines your annual study progress on behalf of UT. If your study progress is sufficient, you may continue your study at UT. In case of insufficient study progress, a notification to the IND can only be omitted with a justifiable reason (such as a CPO recognition or an approved study progress form). If there is no justifiable reason, the IND will be informed about your lack of study progress and you cannot continue your studies at UT, with the consequence of your residence permit being withdrawn.

When personal circumstances cause study delays, such a notification from UT to IND can be omitted. In that case, personal circumstances must be assessed and recognized by the Committee Personal Circumstances (CPO) - a procedure to be started by the student before 1 July. Only with a CPO recognition, a notification to the IND can be omitted on the grounds of personal circumstances. 


  • 1. Contact your Fainco or study adviser

    If you experience a delay - or think you will experience a delay - in the progress of your study based on personal circumstances, you must contact your Fainco (Faculty Internationalisation Coordinator) or study adviser immediately to draw up a study plan. If you are in doubt whether your circumstances are justifiable grounds for delay, you or your study adviser can always consult a student counsellor.

    If there are personal circumstances, agreements will be made in writing between you and the program to ensure that timely graduation is not compromised. There will be no mention on your diploma of any matters that you discuss with a study advisor, a student counsellor or a student psychologist. 

  • 2. Arrange a meeting with the student counsellor

    You should do this as soon as the study delay occurs (before 1 July). This is mandatory. The student counsellor can advise you and help formulate the problem, as well as provide you with advice regarding (financial) regulations that might be applicable. You are advised to consult the student counsellor well in time.

  • 3. Submit an application for assessment of your circumstances to the CPO

    You should do this as soon as possible (before 1 July of the current academic year). Your case will be dealt with confidentially. Please note that gathering the necessary evidence to support your application might take some time, hence it is advised to consult a student counsellor well in advance about the evidence needed (e.g. a medical certificate). The evidence that is required is stated in the application and can also be found on the website of the CPO.

By law, only the following justifiable grounds for study delay can be recognized by the CPO:

  • Illness, disability, psychological problems

    medical certificate from a Dutch doctor or BIG-registered psychologist is required.

  • Pregnancy/delivery

    A certificate from your midwife or gynaecologist is required.

  • Exceptional family circumstances

    You are advised to submit supporting statements or documents. This can be everything, like medical proof or a death certificate in case of the death of a family member. If nothing is possible, please contact cpo@utwente.nl and explain why you can't submit supporting documents.

  • Student activism

    membership of University Council, Faculty Council, Programme Committee or board as mentioned in FOBOS Regulations, Appendix B, Basic list for allocation of activism grants. It's required to attach the MoMi Activism Form to your application.

  • Insufficiently feasible study programme

    Lodge with supporting documents/statements.

  • Top-level sports or arts

    Other special circumstances are determined by the board of the institution, for example, Top-level Sports or Top-level Arts. In the case of Top-Level Sports or Top-Level Arts, recognition from UT Committee Topsports and Topculture is required.

Your case will be dealt with confidentially. No data is shared unless you give permission. There will be no mention on your diploma of any matters that you discuss with a study advisor, a student counsellor or a student psychologist.

I have not met the MoMi requirements. Now what?

If you have not fulfilled the MoMi study progress requirements and there is no justifiable reason for your insufficient study progress (CPO recognition or study progress form), you will receive an insufficient letter from the MoMi Committee. UT will have to inform the IND, who can decide to revoke your residence permit. The CPO assesses whether the reason can be recognized.

  • How can I continue studying at UT?

    If you have insufficient study progress without a recognized personal circumstance, you can’t continue your study at the UT. If you want to restart your programme or start another programme at the UT the next acacdemic year, you must first go to your home country. From there you can enroll for the programme next academic year (start in September). Please note that you must apply for a new visa and submit your enrollment before May 1st to be able to (re)start your study in September. Also note that you can not re-enroll for the next three years if you are a first year Bachelor's student with a negative binding recommendation (BSA).


If you have insufficient study progress without a justified reason, you can’t continue your study at UT. However, you may continue your study at another educational institution as long as the residence permit is still valid and has not been withdrawn.

Specific situations

  • Prepatory, pre-master's or transition year

    Deviating from the regular MoMi standard (50%), a preparatory year / pre-master's / transition year must be completed successfully (100%) within 12 months, in order to be admitted to the main (master's) programme. If you are not enrolled and admitted to the master programme before the end of the 12-month period, the IND must be notified. You can only use one preparatory period to follow the main course. If you have your bachelor's degree and want to do a master's programme, then you may use an extra period of 12 months to prepare for your master's programme.

  • Another moment of enrolment, for example February

    If you enrol later on in the academic year, you must achieve 50% of the ECs that can be obtained in the remaining part of that academic year. For example: from February to September, 30 ECs can be obtained. In that situation, you must achieve a minimum of 15 ECs.

  • Honours programme or multiple studies

    All points may be added together. In principle, all credits that are formally registered in Osiris count to meet the MoMi standard.

  • Internship and graduation

    Also in academic years with an internship or graduation, you must obtain a sufficient amount of ECs. If you know that your ECs will be awarded too late, for example in the next academic year, you can fill in the MoMi Study Progress form which explains that you have sufficient study progress. Please note that the form also must be signed by your study advisor and supervisor or programme director.

  • Switch to another programme at UT

    You can do another programme within UT, as long as you meet all requirements, including the MoMi standard of study progress. You must inform UT about your switch as soon as possible.

  • Studying in the Netherlands and abroad

    If you study the same programme in the Netherlands and abroad, all obtained credits count. You need to have permission from your study programme to complete your studies abroad. The credits must be traceable to the programme. If you would like advice, please contact your study adviser.

  • Joint degree

    The points obtained can be added together to meet the MoMi standard. The credits must be traceable to the programme.


Points obtained by exemptions also count for the MoMi standard. However, rules regarding exemptions must be taken into account. The procedure laid down in the EER (Education and Examination Regulation) applies to the granting of the exemptions. Please contact your programme or examination committee if you have any questions.

  • What are my rights and obligations as a study migrant?
    • You can stay in the Netherlands for the duration of your study plus three months (maximum five years including preparatory year/transition year, excluding extension).
    • You may work a maximum of 16 hours per week next to your study. Instead of these 16 hours you can do seasonal work in June, July and August. Your employer can apply for a TWV (employment permit) for you at UWV (Employee Insurance Agency).
    • You don’t need a TWV for an internship that is relevant to your study program, but you must have signed an internship agreement with the internship company and UT.
    • You must have sufficient study progress.
    • You have an obligation to provide information: you need to inform UT and the IND about changes in your personal data.
    • You must provide important information about your stay and about your residence permit to the IND and UT.
    • You must provide correct and complete information to the IND and UT.
    • You must be registered with an educational institution that is recognized as a sponsor (if you are no longer enrolled, UT must report this to the IND).
    • You must pay tuition fees on time and have sufficient means of existence.
    • You must have a valid passport.
    • You must be insured against medical expenses in the Netherlands.
    • You must be examined by the GGD (Municipal Health Services) for TBC.

    In some cases, family or family members can also get a residence permit. If it is part of the study, you can go abroad (out of the Netherlands) for a maximum of 12 months without your main residence being changed. The residence permit won’t be withdrawn when you obtain sufficient credits in that academic year to meet the standard.

Downloads and links


If you require more information about MoMi, do not hesitate to contact us: