This plan is an update of the 2018 annual plan. It is the practical implementation of the Long-Term Strategic Housing Plan (LTSH) 2018-2023 and includes an overview of all existing and new housing projects on the University of Twente campus in 2019. The annual plan outlines which projects will be continued this year, which projects will commence and which projects are prioritized, including maintenance and renovation projects.  The University Council and the Supervisory Board both gave their approval in December 2018.

National, regional and UT-related developments
The annual plan takes relevant strategic developments on and off the University of Twente campus into account. Examples include:

Scheduled housing projects for 2019
This year mainly concerns the following projects:

In 2018 the decision has been made not to locate ITC on the site of the current Citadel building. Therefore, this building will be preserved and a new plan will be made for current en possible new users.

We will also work on the necessary projects in 2019, such as:

The prioritization of new housing initiatives is adapted to current developments if necessary. Twice a year, the review group is convened to advise on these matters. In this annual plan includes the following priority projects:

Future developments for buildings scheduled to be vacated
Due to current developments, a number of buildings on campus will become vacant in the near future. The way in which these buildings will be given a new function will be further investigated in 2019. These include the Boerderij building that currently hosts the Faculty Club, which will move to the new U Parkhotel in January 2019.

Full annual report
Read here

Do you have any questions about on-campus housing projects?
Contact Bertyl Lankhaar, spokesperson of the Executive Board, tel.: +31 (0)53 489 2210