SKE symposium 2019

Dec. 2019, the third UT SUEQ/SKE symposium took place. The participants gave, by means of a poster and a pitch, fellow participants and other interested parties from the UT, an impression of their findings based on a personal 'in-depth assignment'. The in-depth assignment is one of the components of the SKE trajectory. The SKE candidate explores a theme or a bottleneck within his/her own study programme, in cooperation with stakeholders, and arrives at an analysis and, if possible, concrete solutions and an implementation plan.

The in-depth assignments address bottlenecks and needs which possibly occur in more study programmes at the UT (and elsewhere). They provide inspiring visions, considerations, ideas and advice for e.g. programme managers, examination boards and anyone closely involved in ensuring the quality of programmes. Below is an overview of some of the posters and documents:

Lissanne Verheij - ITC
Poster: Vision on assessment - Why What & How?   Report  

Maarten Korsten - EEMCS
Poster: Specifying learning outcomes for the specialisations of the Electrical Engineering master’s programme    Report 

Jyce Karreman - BMS
Poster: Van voldoende naar goed. Een voorstel voor het verbeteren van de beoordeling van de mastertheses Communication science

Cornelise Vreman - de Olde - CELT
Poster: What to do and how to take care?     Report

Maarleen de Haan - CELT 
Poster: Een toetscommissie voor de opleiding Biomedische Technologie?       Report