Dr.ir. m.s. (Maarten) Groen



Journal articles

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Lötters, J. C. , Groen, M. , Wiegerink, R. J. , Brouwer, D. M. , Brookhuis, R. A., & Meutstege, E. (2016). Fluid flow device, comprising a valve unit, as well as method of manufacturing the same. Manuscript submitted for publication. (Patent No. WO2016182437). https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=5&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20161117&CC=WO&NR=2016182437A1&KC=A1

Groenesteijn, J. , Alveringh, D. , Groen, M. , Wiegerink, R. J. , & Lötters, J. C. (2016). Single-chip mass flow controller with integrated Coriolis flow sensor and proportional control valve. In 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS 2016 (pp. 788-791). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/MEMSYS.2016.7421747


Groen, M. , Brouwer, D. M. , Brookhuis, R. A. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2015). Fluid flow device, comprising a valv member and a valve seat defining a fluid flow surface area, as well as method of manufacturing the same. (Patent No. WO2015060721).

Groen, M. (2015). Microvalves for precise dosing: proportional flow control on a chip. [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036539616

Groen, M. , Brouwer, D. M. , Lötters, J. C. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2015). Miniature proportional control valve with top-mounted piezo bimorph actuator with millisecond response time. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 25, 105008. https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/25/10/105008

Groen, M. , Groenesteijn, J., Meutstege, E. , Brookhuis, R. A. , Brouwer, D. M. , Lötters, J. C. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2015). Proportional control valves integrated in silicon nitride surface channel technology. Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 24(6), 1759-1767. https://doi.org/10.1109/JMEMS.2015.2436402


Groen, M., Wu, K. , Brookhuis, R. A., van Houwelingen, M. J. , Brouwer, D. M. , Lötters, J. C. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2014). A piezoelectric micro control valve with integrated capacitive sensing for ambulant blood pressure waveform monitoring. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 24(12), 125020. https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/24/12/125020

Groen, M. , Brouwer, D. M. , Brookhuis, R. A. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2014). Fluid flow regulator device, comprising a valve member and a valve seat defining a fluid flow surface area, as well as method of using the same. Manuscript submitted for publication. (Patent No. WO2014NL50736). http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=WO&NR=2015060721A1&KC=A1&FT=D


Groen, M. , Brookhuis, R. A., van Houwelingen, M. J. , Brouwer, D. M. , Lötters, J. C. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2013). A micro control valve with integrated capacitive sensing for ambulant blood pressure waveform monitoring. In Proceedings of MicroTAS 2013 (pp. 1469). The Printing House, Inc.. http://eprints.eemcs.utwente.nl/secure2/24007/01/492_1078.PDF


Groen, M. , Brouwer, D. M. , Wiegerink, R. J. , & Lötters, J. C. (2012). Design considerations for a micromachined proportional control valve. Micromachines, 3(2), 396-412. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi3020396

Groen, M. , Brouwer, D. M. , Lötters, J. C. , & Wiegerink, R. J. (2012). Towards a microvalve for proportional control of mass flow. In 1st International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems, MFHS 2012 (pp. 148-151). (Micromachines). University of Twente. http://eprints.eemcs.utwente.nl/secure2/23010/01/MFHS2012_MSGroen_extended.pdf


Gang, T. , Groen, M. , Kinge, S. S. , Naber, W. J. M. , Boschker, J. A. , Rijnders, A. J. H. M. , Reinhoudt, D. , & van der Wiel, W. G. (2011). Assembly and patterning of ferromagnetic nanoparticles from solution: a novel low-temperature liquid-phase annealing approach. Synthetic metals, 161(7-8), 586-590. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.synthmet.2010.12.012