Friday 13 September 2024
40th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) in London was attended by a large group of CME representatives this year. They presented research papers on a variety of construction management & engineering topics that (more or less) aligned with the conference theme of 'Looking back to move forward'. Three of these papers were selected as best ones in their respective categories:
- Ruth Sloot, Leentje Volker & Hans Voordijk received the David Langford Award for their paper 'Constructing common round: Sensemaking and sensegiving in public tenders'. The award is given to the best paper that deals with societal issues and is often awarded to a promising early-career researcher. Ruth also had the honour to present this work during the plenary, one-hour Langford Lecture.
- Yifei Yu, Marc van den Berg & Devrim Murat Yazan received the CIOB Award for their paper 'Circularity hubs in the built environment: Validating an agent-based scenario demonstrator'. This award is given to the best international paper (from outside the UK).
- Andreas Hartmann, Marc van den Berg, Tim Stevering, Richard Busse & Giel Klanker received the Wiley-Blackwell Award for their paper 'Circularity on demand and at the side: Working rules in infrastructure design practices'. This award is given to the best paper on sustainability.