On 22 January 2024 the winning projects of the PIHC2023 call were announced during the PIHC Award ceremony. The summaries of the 10 PIHC2023 projects have been placed on the PIHC website (Awarded projects | Awarded PIHC Projects | Technical Medical Centre (utwente.nl).
Please see below the winning projects of the Biomechanical Engineering department:
Enhancing Diagnosis with Precision: X-Ray-Guided Magnetic Control in Capsule Endoscopy
Current video capsule endoscopy often inadequately visualizes suspected gastrointestinal abnormalities due to uncontrolled passage, leading to inconclusive diagnoses. This limitation often necessitates invasive small intestinal endoscopy, posing additional risks to patients. Our "EDX-MAGIC" project revolutionizes healthcare by utilizing X-ray-guided magnetic fields to control and localize capsules in the body. This innovative approach offers precise, non-invasive capsule control for accurate diagnostics, reducing patient discomfort and eliminating the need for invasive procedures. Beyond diagnosis, this technology opens doors to targeted drug delivery and access to previously inaccessible areas. "EDX-MAGIC" promises to redefine modern medicine, providing safer, more effective, and minimally invasive healthcare solutions.
Dr. Islam Khalil (UT), dr. Henri Brat (MST), prof. dr. ir. Abeje Mersha (Saxion), prof. dr. ir. Pascal Jonkheijm (UT), dr. Constantinos Goulas (UT), Remco Liefers (UT), dr. Peter Mensink (Erasmusmc), dr. ir. Ard Westerveld (Saxion), dr. ir. Henk Kortier (Saxion)
Patient specific sacroiliac joint fusion to improve quality of life for woman with severe pelvic instability. (PSI-FUSE)
Severe pelvic instability causes severe pain and immobility. Stabilizing implants in the sacroiliac joint aim to reduce pain and restore function, but malpositioned implants pose risks of complications such as loosening and nerve damage. This study aims to determine the optimal patient-specific implant position using a finite element method. Subsequently, this optimal implant position can be achieved with a patient-specific surgical guide, of which a prototype has been developed. This will be validated by means of a cadaver study. Implementing this approach may reduce risks of complications and improve the quality of life for women with disabling pelvic instability.
Drs. Jorm Nellensteijn (MST), dr. Maaike Koenrades (MST), dr. Femke Schröder (UT), dr. Marjolein Brusse-Keizer (MST), ir. Edsko Hekman (UT)
Towards advanced 3D leg malalignment correction utilizing dynamic movement analysis
Mal-alignment of the lower limb can cause excessive stress on knee structures during movement. Traditionally, an osteotomy is performed to neutralize unbalanced forces, but is planned using alignment angles on a static radiograph taking no dynamic force aspects into account that occur during activities of daily living (ADL). Therefore, we aim to expand the target of a corrective osteotomy from a statically aligned limb to normalized internal loads within the knee occurring during various dynamic activities. Eventually, this approach will allow for movement-induced personalized alignment corrections, thereby reducing knee cartilage wear, anterior cruciate ligament re-rupture rate and failed return-to-sport.
Prof.dr.ir. Gabriëlle Tuijthof (UT), dr. Roy Hoogeslag (OCON), prof.dr.ir. Nico Verdonschot (UT), dr. Erik Prinsen (RRD), ir. Periklis Tzanetis (UT), MSc. Quinten Veerman (UT; OCON)