About us
The Biomechanical Engineering group is specialised in the application area of Biomedical Technology, integrating the tools of several engineering disciplines to analyse aspects of human functioning. We study the special mechanical properties of living biological tissue and the dynamics of the human system and apply this in the development of instruments and methodologies that support daily life functioning of individuals.
Examples of medical devices we have developed are rehabilitation robotics for the lower and upper extremities, diagnostic robots for (impaired) motor control, surgical robotics, endo- and exoprostheses, and wearable exoskeletons. The effectiveness of these devices is tested in clinical practice and with industrial partners.
The medical application areas of the research are rehabilitation, orthopaedics, neurology and cardiovascular surgery. The programme is entirely embedded in TechMed, the Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine.
At this site you will find information on research program, educational program and staff.