On 9 June 2022 an exoskeleton event was organized by ExoDevo and de UT at TechHub Assen.
Date: 9 June 2022
Attending companies: Witec, Stadskanaal, Bouwbedrijf Kooi, BouwendNederland, MA-IT, Assen Sportstad, Noorderbreedte, Clafis, Phoenix Pallets, Bouwend Nederland, Jeanette Croezen, Ultraware, Elting B.V., Pilot on Demand
The workshop (ExoEvent) started with an informal introduction and presentation by Dennie Jager (owner ExoDevo). TNO (Frank Krause) presented a complete overview of exoskeletons for workers and their advantages in construction and industry. The goals of Exskallerate project were presented and companies were informed about the pilot sites and invited to join. UT (Martijn Wessels) presented a study on the design of a controller for an active exoskeleton based on EMG and a muscoskeletal model (A. Moya Esteban).
Several exoskeletons were presented by Laevo, TNO, Health2Work and Pre-Tec: 1x Skelex 360 (schouders), 1x Auxivo (onderrug), 2x PAEXO Back (onderrug), 2x PAEXO Shoulder (schouder), 2x PAEXO Neck, 2x PEAXO Thumb, 2x PEAXO Wrist Brace, 2X PEAXO Soft Back, 1x Hunic Care, 1x Darwing Back, 1x Noonee Chairless Chair, 1x Skelex 360, 1x HAPO, 2x Laevo Flex, 2x Laevo V2.5. The companies could try on each exoskeleton and perform some tasks requiring assistance of an exoskeleton (such as heavy lifting, pressing buttons, working above the head etc.). The companies were quite enthusiastic about some of the exoskeletons. The workshop ended with a lunch and a drink.