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7th talk in the ORAHS international seminar series - Jens Brunner

The Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research (CHOIR) at the University of Twente announces the 7th talk in the ORAHS International Seminar Series

The ORAHS International Seminars are planned monthly via Zoom in the late afternoon (Europe), morning (US), or evening (Asia/Pacific).

 Please save the date and register for this seminar here:


 Our speaker is Jens Brunner, Professor of Health Care Operations/Health Information Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Augsburg, Germany. His research interests center on designing and analyzing service systems using quantitative methods.  A particular focus is on processes in healthcare. He is Department Editor for Health Care Management Science and Associate Editor for Operations Research for Health Care, OR Spectrum, and IISE Healthcare Systems Engineering. In 2022, Prof. Brunner and his team won the IISE/SSE Outstanding Innovation in Service Systems Engineering Award for their Covid-19 research. Soon he will join the Operations Management section at the Technical University of Denmark.  February 28, 2023, at 16:00 (CEST), he will talk about “Resident scheduling in teaching hospitals with the use of quantitative methods.” Please find more info about Jens here:


 Please find more information about our seminar presentations here:



We look forward to seeing you soon and often in the ORAHS International Seminar Series.


CHOIR Group                                                            

University of Twente