For over 15 years, the Energy Management at the University of Twente research group has worked on efficient algorithms for the emerging smart grid. The developed concepts and gained knowledge form an important cornerstone to integrate more renewable energy and revolutionize the way we operate and organize our power grid as a society.
With more alarming IPCC reports, record breaking temperatures, and a heavily congested Dutch distribution grid, it becomes apparent that we need to work together at a faster pace than ever before to decarbonize our energy supply. Next to this, it concerns an energy system that connects us, meaning that we all depend on each other somehow. As such, the solution lies in working together, which is only possible through full transparency to all end-users and true open collaboration between people, researchers, and industry.
We therefore have decided to freely share our knowledge, models, code, and algorithms with the world under the Apache version 2.0 license. From today on, everybody can download the source code of our Decentralized Energy Management toolkit (DEMKit), used for both simulation and real-world demonstration, for free from . We encourage home automation enthusiasts, researchers across the globe, and industry of all sizes, to join our efforts to accelerate the energy revolution!