UTFaculteitenEEMCSDisciplines & departementenDMBResearchPREFERRAL - Personalized Referral advice for patients

PREFERRAL - Personalized Referral advice for patients

Project duration:

Sept 2020 - March 2022


Decision support tool for personalized referral advice on patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain to primary, secondary or tertiary care.

Project summary:

Of all Dutch adults, 1 in 5 has musculoskeletal pain. More than 50% of these people have limited functioning. Experienced disease burden can be reduced by starting an appropriate treatment as early as possible. However, it appears that more than 30% of the patients are referred back to the general practitioner (GP) with a rereferral to somewhere else. This results in an inefficient care path. The objective of this project is to optimize existing care pathways and referrals in 1st, 2nd and 3rd care based on artificial intelligence, leading to a proof-of-concept decision support system for the GP and paramedic.

Project Participant: