UTFaculteitenEEMCSDisciplines & departementenDMBResearchEatMyRide - App for endurance athletes that collects sports history data of users

EatMyRide - App for endurance athletes that collects sports history data of users

Project duration:

March 2020 - April 2022


collects sports history data of users

Project summary:

EatMyRide is an app for endurance athletes that collects sports history data of users in order to provide them with personalized nutrition planning before, during and after sport activities.

The EatMyRide project focuses on cycling rides, and the analysis of data recorded during long-range activities. The intensity level during the rides is influenced by different factors, such as elevation, wind direction, speed etc. The project aims at modelling the historic activity data, by means of time series analysis and amchine learning methods, to predict the intensity of future sports activities of athletes and to estimate how much energy will be needed to accomplish the activities. Using this information a nutrition plan can be provided to the athlete before, during and after training.

Project Leader:

