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[D] Lesion detection model to monitor MS progression in brain MRI scans

Master Assignment

[D] Lesion detection model to monitor MS progression in brain MRI scans

Type: Master 

Period: TBD

Student: (Unassigned)

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Data type(s): 3D imaging data

Description: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that damages the protective coverings of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. To track its progression, patients undergo regular brain MRI scans. This project aims to develop a model that automatically detects new lesions in follow-up scans. The first step is to create an algorithm that accurately aligns 3D MRI images taken from the same patient over time, ensuring precise comparison between scans.

Goal: develop a model for automatic lesion detection in follow-up MR scans

Supervisors: Drs. Relinde Schepers (ZGT)