[M] Fitness prediction for hip surgery for elderly patients

Master Assignment

[M] Fitness prediction for hip surgery for elderly patients

Type: Master 

Period: TBD

Student: (Unassigned)

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Data type(s): Tabular data, Hip+Chest X-ray images

Description: Hip fractures are common among the elderly and can lead to severe outcomes, with reported mortality rates as high as 13.3% within 30 days post-surgery. While surgery is the standard treatment, it places significant strain on the patient’s body, and in some cases, opting not to have surgery may result in a better quality of life. This project is ongoing, with contributions from previous students, and your role will be to build on their work, moving the project closer to clinical implementation.

Goal: Develop a model that assists in clinical decision-making by predicting whether patients with hip fractures should undergo surgery, based on their risk of 100-day mortality.

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Johannes H. Hegeman ( ZGT,UT), Prof. dr. ir. Maurice van Keulen (UT), Jorn-Jan van de Beld MSc. (UT).