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[M] Real-time medication monitoring for patients with chronic pulmonary conditions

Master Assignment

[M] Real-time medication monitoring for patients with chronic pulmonary conditions

Type: Master 

Period: TBD

Student: (Unassigned)

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Data type(s): Tabular data, time-series

Description: Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Diseases (CPD) often experience fluctuating symptoms, with periods of being symptom-free alternating with symptomatic episodes. Treatment typically involves two types of medications: immediate relief medications for managing acute symptoms, and controller medications to prevent long-term complications. A common issue is that patients tend to under-use controller medications over time, relying more on immediate relief medications as needed. Clinicians seek real-time insights into patients' medication usage to monitor them more effectively. An AI-powered dashboard could provide these insights, while also identifying patterns between medication use and symptoms, potentially helping to reduce the need for immediate relief medication.

Goal: Develop a real-time AI-driven dashboard that provides clinicians with valuable insights into medication usage for patients with chronic pulmonary conditions.

Supervisors: Dr. Bernardus Thio (MST), Jurjen Kingma (ZGT)