MASTER Assignment
BIO marker-based COVID Severity prediction and data quality exploration
Period: TBD
Student: (Unassigned)
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Applying machine learning methods can help hospitals deal with medical resource allocation. Patients' blood characteristics can be analyzed to build prediction models that could signal the severity of the disease. Given this signal, hospitals can allocate more medical resources to patients with high severity of COVID-19 over patients with low COVID-19 severity. It would help hospitals better react to patients in extreme need of more intense care and reduce the mortality rate of COVID-19 patients. This project is focused on predicting covid severity while keeping in view data quality issues. The following are some of the research questions that can be part of this project.
RQ1: Literature study to explore data quality/cleaning issues?
RQ2: Predicting COVID severity using labeled/unlabelled data.
RQ3: How to predict COVID-19 disease progression?