UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsDACSNewsDACS master student Etienne Khan wins poster prize at ICT.OPEN2021

DACS master student Etienne Khan wins poster prize at ICT.OPEN2021

We are very proud to announce that DACS master student Etienne Khan won the second prize in the poster competition at the Dutch National ICT Research conference ICT.OPEN2021. As one of the few master students to present a poster at the conference, Etienne faced tough competition from PhDs and senior researchers.

Etienne's research, entitled "Stranger VPNs", focuses on the strange world of streaming unblockers. These services, often provided by commercial VPN vendors, purport to allow users to circumvent so-called "geo-fencing" in which certain media content is only available in certain regions. Think for example of accessing the US Netflix library from Europe. In his work, Etienne has developed methods to open the black box that these unblocking services were until now.

Etienne will finish his master research this spring, after which he intends to continue his research career as a PhD candidate.

The award-winning poster is shown below.