Design for AM Competition Join the Design for Additive Manufacturing Competition

DPM, ET Faculty and Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Advanced Manufacturing at UT organize The Design for Additive Manufacturing Competition for the first time. We invite all UT’s Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctorate students to participate in this contest. You will be challenged to design the most artistic or the most functional object.

The top 5 designs from each category will be printed on our professional 3D thermoplastic printer and exhibited in the Horst Building during September 2023, during which staff and students can vote for their favourite part. A judging panel will also determine the winners of the 2 categories. The winners will be announced at the Advanced Manufacturing Centre in October.

To participate, submit your original STL file according to technical requirements and an A1 poster presenting your design by 31 May 23:59 hr through the website. After submitting the file, feedback will be provided for shortlisted applicants. Finalists/shortlisted students will be announced on the competition website and by email in July.

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