Photo Horst
Photo Horst

Perspectives 3: Growth in Student Numbers

The third edition of Perspectives was about the number of students at UT and its growth ambitions. During the lunch break, several attendees gave their views on this growth and the attractiveness of the Twente region. Both lecturers and students entered into discussion. The conclusion was that there are many insights and growth needs to be supported by staff capacity and facilities.

Pieter Boerman, director Pre-U and student Akin Akinyoade were the discussion leaders. The student panel consisted of: Tim Achterkamp (UReka member) and Oliver Davies (president of student association Inter-Actief) as well as three table guests. Sissi de Beer, Programme Director Applied Physics at Faculty Science and Technology, Wieteke de Kogel, Lecturer at Faculty Engineering Technology, module 1 coordinator and Victor-Jan Leurs, Director Twente Board.

Attendees were able to respond to various propositions. As we head towards 20,000 students, what is needed most? Many alumni leave Twente after their studies: should the focus be on quality or quantity? How do we keep students and staff here in Twente?

According to those present, solutions lie mainly in staff growth and keeping the facilities attractive. But also promoting the Twente region including the labour market here.

President Vinod Subramaniam closed the meeting. He did not call growth per se a goal; it has to match the facilities and staff capacity. He further compared the growth number of 20,000 students with the UvA, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Saxion. Subramaniam thinks 20,000 students is not a huge number, as long as we keep working together to manage that growth.

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