Monday 4 December 2023
During the Christmas holidays the Service Desks and catering locations will have different opening hours. You will find the complete overview below.
Buildings/Service desks
- During the holdidays all UT buildings will be closed from 25 december 2023 up to and including 1 January 2024 with the exeption of the buildings Vrijhof, Sports centre and Bastille;
- From 2 Januari up to and including 5 January the buildings will be open until 18.00, please find more information regarding the Vrijhof, Sports Centre and Bastille building below;
- From 8 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.
VRIJHOF (Library)
- Open 23 December; 9.00 - 17.00 ;
- Closed 24, 25 en 26 December;
- Open 27 t/m 30 December: 9.00 - 17.00;
- Closed 31 December en 1 January:
- From 2 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.
More information can be found through the contact en opening hours page of Library website.
SPORT Centre
- 24 December 8.00 -15.00 (closed at 15.30);
- 25 en 26 December closed (Christmas);
- 31 December 8.00 -18.00 (closed at 18.30);
- 1 January closed;
- From 2 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.
More information: Contact and organization | Opening hours | Home Sports (
- 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 and 31 December and 1 january closed. Open for the Vesting bar feast;
- Adjusted opening hours on 27, 28 and 29 December: 8.30 -18.00.
Voor meer informatie zie:
Contact Centre
- Closed December 23 through January 1.
- Jan. 2 through Jan. 5 physically closed, but available by mail and phone.
Canteens – restaurants Appèl
- From 22 December up to and including 7 January all catering locations of Appèl will be closed;
- From 8 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.
Other catering locations
- Closed from 25 December up to and including 7 January;
- From 8 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.
SUBWAY and frosty's
- Closed on: 23, 24, 30 and 31 December and 6 and 7 Janauary;
- 25 and 26 December closed (Christmas holidays);
- Closed on 1 January (New Years day);
- Open on 27, 28 and 29 December and 2, 3, 4 and 5 January.
- Closed on 27,28 and 29 December and 1 January;
- From 2 January onwards the regular opening hours will resume.