Thursday 8 December 2022
The University Library, Vrijhof location, is open on Tuesday 27 December till Friday 30 December from 9.00-17.00 and closed on 24 – 26 December and 31 December and 1 January.
During that week the library in the Vrijhof offers study places, project rooms and the book pick-up, but make sure you request all books before 23 December 16:00.
From 27 till 30 December 9.00-17.00 only the Library is open within the Vrijhof building. You can only enter the building via the side entrance (opposite Bastille). The coffee corner and the library are available, but the rest of the building is closed (e.g. the study places on floor 3).
Library services
The Library will offer in the Vrijhof limited services during the week of 24 December – 1 January:
- 500 study places are available, including those in project rooms
- Hardware lending services (e.g. headphones, chromebooks)
- Book pick up is available (for books requested before Friday 23 December 16.00)
- You can borrow books from the open stacks and the (reference only) study books
- Lending services from the closed depot and ILL requests will be resumed on the 2nd of January
- The ITC library location is closed during this week and will open on the 2nd of January