New spam and phishing messages using Google Docs

Anyone who thought the cybercriminal landscape was saturated after Whatsapp fraud, rogue calling agencies and scam emails from Nigerian princes is wrong.

Hackers are now trying to get unwitting consumers to click on malicious links via the online storage service Google Drive. The thieves lure people with an offer to collaborate in an online document. Anyone who clicks on it is then tempted to click on an incorrect url in that online document. Since the initial mail comes from Google, it passes effortlessly through the spam filters.

Be careful: only click on Google Docs, Sheets or Slides invitations if you actually know the sender. 

If you received a message like this, report it to CERT-UT as soon as possible.
If you clicked on a link in the document, change your password and have your computer checked for virusses and other malware.

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